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Argitalpenak 3 abendua, 2019 Azpiegiturak

Basque Cluster Day 2019 – Merete Daniel Nielsen. Speak peak on the latest trends on clusters.


Merete Daniel Nielsen, President of TCI-Network and Director of Cluster Excellence Denmark, shared with the audience of the Basque Cluster Day 2019, held in Bilbao, some of the latest trends and ideas on clusters:

 Need for strong Clusters, as they deliver more innovation power and competitiveness.
Clusters organise stronger and stronger ecosystems
 Clusters as agents of tech transformation
 Global superclusters and green transition


Merete Daniel Nielsen, President of TCI-Network and Director of Cluster Excellence Denmark, shared with the audience of the Basque Cluster Day 2019, held in Bilbao, some of the latest trends and ideas on clusters:

 Need for strong Clusters, as they deliver more innovation power and competitiveness.

Clusters organise stronger and stronger ecosystems

 Clusters as agents of tech transformation

 Global superclusters and green transition

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