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Boletín de demanda y oferta tecnológica - Selección semanal | Eskaintza eta eskaera teknologiaren buletina - Asteko aukeraketa
A Turkish company that specializes in the production and trade of fresh fruits and vegetables is seeking Partners for Advanced Greenhouse Models and Sustainable Soil Enhancement Technologies
Demanda:  TRTR20240524008

Kocalar Gida, a Turkish company with over three decades of experience in the production and trade of fresh fruits and vegetables, is seeking partnerships with European companies. The company is interested in advanced greenhouse models and natural methodologies for enhancing soil sustainability. It aims to improve the health and quality of its produce while adhering to sustainable and eco-friendly practices. Potential partners with innovative agricultural technologies are invited to collaborate. Leer más [+]
UK hydrogen electrolyser technology company seeks development partner for low iridium based anode catalyst for commercial hydrogen production
Demanda:  TRGB20240607011

UK hydrogen electrolyser technology company seeks specialist technology partners to jointly develop a next generation anode catalyst (minimising the use of iridium) for commercial Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) hydrogen production at scale. They seek partnerships through a commercial agreement with technical assistance. Leer más [+]
Latvian company is searching for University as partner to co-develop Generic rotational 3D scanning platform utilising a patented mechanical design for continuous and multiple 360-degree scans of a subject seeks a commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Demanda:  TRGB20240610010

UK SME focused on IT and hi-tech innovation projects. The company have mechanical and electrical design skills along with strong software development skills. The business seeks a commercial agreement to leverage combined expertise and resources to further develop, enhance, and efficiently manufacture their 3D Rotational Scanning Platform, ultimately aiming to accelerate product innovation into the markets. Leer más [+]
An Italian company, that has developed an innovative and a fully configurable camera for scientific and industrial applications, is looking for new partners
Oferta:  TOIT20240604004

The Italian company with a long experience in designing and producing digital cameras for scientific and industrial applications, has manufactured a smart and configurable camera with integrated processing power and AI acceleration. The company is looking for new partners for commercial agreements with technical assistance and technical cooperations. Leer más [+]
German research team offers collaboration in femtosecond laser micromachining and surface functionalization for tribological applications
Oferta:  TODE20240605006

A German research team develops femtosecond laser micromachining and surface functionalization techniques for engineering, medical, and marine applications. Special know-how is available for designing and evaluating surface textures to develop sliding surfaces with lower wear and friction. The team is looking for industry and research partners to build up a consortium to a Horizon Europe CL4 Topic or to any other EU funded project. Leer más [+]
An Italian startup specializing in the innovative use of Virtual Reality technology to meet the needs of hospitals and patients, such as pain management, anxiety relief, entertainment, and healthcare professional training.
Oferta:  TOIT20240607017

An Italian innovative startup leverages VR/AR technologies to enhance the psychological well-being of patients through immersive experiences, aiming to reduce pain and anxiety during medical procedures. Its sector of activity is 62.01 - Computer programming activities. The company is looking for Commercial agreement with technical assistance and Research and development cooperation agreement mainly in Germany, France, Spain and the Denmark to expand and improve the scope of use and intervention Leer más [+]
UK hydrogen electrolyser technology company seeks partners to pilot complete hydrogen infrastructures that reduce the operational and capital costs of green hydrogen generation
Oferta:  TOGB20240607005

UK-based hydrogen technology company offers advanced, cost-effective, and efficient hydrogen electrolyser systems, supported by patented technology. It provides electrolyser stacks and plug and play green systems. This technology means the electrolyser stacks are both cheaper and more efficient than incumbent systems. The company seeks commercial agreements with technical assistance to integrate green hydrogen infrastructure into the operations of their partner organisations. Leer más [+]
An Italian company producing sheet metal forming components according to customer specification seeks a technical cooperation and manufacturing agreement with companies Tier 1 and Tier 2
Oferta:  TOIT20240531005

Italian SME with decades of experience in sheet metal stamping (shearing and deep drawing) and in the designing and manufacturing of the tooling. The SME is interested in a technical cooperation and manufacturing agreement with companies Tier 1 and Tier 2 in need of stamped components out of sheet metal located in northern Europe to supply with high quality sheared and deep drawn components. Leer más [+]

Transnational Eureka Lightweighting Call (Eureka Global Innovation Summit – GIS)

14/06/2024 Evento Online y Presencial 10:30 - 11:30 | -

El principal evento de promoción de los instrumentos Eureka: Global Innovation Summit ( tendrá lugar en Estambul los días 13 y 14 de junio y está abierto a la participación de todas las entidades interesadas en la cooperación tecnológica internacional. Una de las convocatorias de proyectos Eureka que estarán abiertas en el GIS 2024 es la centrada en el aligeramiento de materiales (Transnational Eureka Lightweighting Call) en la cual participa un buen número de países de Eureka. Todos los detalles de esta convocatoria están disponibles en: Una de las sesiones del GIS estará enfocada en la promoción de esta Convocatoria Eureka de materiales ligeros y ofrecerá la posibilidad a las entidades interesadas de hacer pitch de sus ideas de proyecto (3 minutos). Este evento híbrido tendrá lugar el 14 de junio de 10:30 a 11:30 y toda la información está disponible en: Además, esta plataforma b2match ofrece la posibilidad de buscar socios potenciales para preparación de propuestas a través de reuniones bilaterales online. El registro estará abierto hasta la fecha de cierre de la convocatoria, 25 de septiembre de 2024.
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Green Energy Community

Abierto hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2023 Evento Online - | -

Green Energy Community es una plataforma online que tiene por objetivo permitir a las empresas e instituciones de investigación interesadas del sector energético presentar ideas de proyectos, encontrar socios de investigación, tecnológicos o empresariales y establecer colaboraciones. La comunidad permanecerá abierta hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2024.
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DOBLE BOLETÍN Basque Enterprise Europe Network

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Solicítala a Arturo Antón |

Informazio gehigarria eman diezazukegu astero argitaratzen ditugun lankidetza aukerei buruz.
Eskatu Arturo Antóni |

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