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Boletín de demanda y oferta tecnológica - Selección semanal | Eskaintza eta eskaera teknologiaren buletina - Asteko aukeraketa
Development of cosmetic products based on plant material and plant oil extracts
Demanda:  TRPL20240618001

A Polish company seeks a cooperation with a research team for the development of series of cosmetics that do not use water in their composition, but use highly fragmented plant material, and the base material consists of only natural oils and macerates obtained from organic farming. It is necessary, in addition to the development of a set of product compositions, to initially develop methods of its production. At the same time, the product must meet the high technical and ecological requirements set by modern society, taking into account the principles of sustainable development. Leer más [+]
Cutting-edge solutions for robotics are sought for distribution agreements.
Demanda:  TRPL20240620001

A Polish SME located in central part of Poland, is an expert in distribution of advanced solutions for various sectors of industry (i.e. agri-food, paper, chemical, wood). Currently the company is looking for manufacturing partners of the latest generation industrial robotic or peripherical products in order to expand their product portfolio within the framework of commercial agreements. The SME focused on technological solutions for transformation and digitisation of industrial processes is able to offer references to retail and warehouse logistics. Leer más [+]
PT company has started developing an innovative technology for heat pump and chiller manufacturer – pools, cold plunge pools, under floor heating and building pre heating and is looking for a research and development cooperation or an investment agreement.
Demanda:  TRPT20240604008

A Portuguese company specializes in and offering advanced heat pump-based heating and cooling solutions. Aligned with EU decarbonization goals, the company prioritizes energy efficiency and sustainability. Seeking collaborations with universities and research centers to enhance his heat pump equipment ou investment agreements. Through joint projects, we aim to innovate and optimize solutions for the private and hospitality sector. Leer más [+]
An Italian Digital Innovation Hub offers capacity building and training opportunities on high-demand digital skills for Cloud Technologies Solutions to all European SMEs
Oferta:  TOIT20240613003

An Italian Digital Innovation Hub, partner of the Digital Europe project "CoudCamp4SMEs: Boosting Digital Transformation for European SMEs" offers capacity building and training opportunities on high-demand digital skills for Cloud Technologies Solutions to boost the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the EU. Eligible entities include only SMEs. The DIH is open to technological agreements. Leer más [+]
German SME offers lithium-sulfur battery material expertise and seeks to join consortia for HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-02-02 (Batt4EU Partnership)
Oferta:  TODE20240613006

A German SME involved in battery R&D has developed an innovative cathode material for lithium-sulfur batteries that enables high energy density and good cycle life at low cost. Using their cathode material, the company wants to develop commercial pouch and cylindrical cell formats also incorporating innovations for the lithium-metal anode and electrolyte. They are searching for a consortium for call HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-02-02 to develop the production processes for those cell formats. Leer más [+]
A Turkish start up developed an hightech HR software solution that can be used for different sectors and looking for commercial agreement with the technical assistance.
Oferta:  TOTR20240612022

This solution caters to diverse industries with specialized solutions in HRTech, and B2B environments (different sectors both in service sector and manufacturing sector). The product's tailored approaches address unique industry challenges, streamline operations, and improve overall performance. The solution is also offered on either Web-based or as a mobile solution. Leer más [+]
Belgian smart parking solutions SaaS editor looking for partners to accelerate the transition in urban mobility and real estate (mobility hubs, maas, EV charging solutions, parking lot operations, etc.)
Oferta:  TOBE20240614011

The Brussels-based SME is a pioneer in the adaptative use of parking facilities in modern cities, where parking lots become multi-purpose mobility hubs. They serve as an essential software platform that manages the parking infrastructure and operations, enabling the efficient execution of mobility services and user flows. They are looking for partners to develop integrated mobility solutions (e.g. MaaS, seamless EV charging, etc.), thanks to parking capacity data and access. Leer más [+]
German company with strong expertise in synthetic data generation for LLM pre-training is looking for a consortium to participate in HORIZON-CL4-2024-HUMAN-03-01 or HORIZON-CL4-2024-HUMAN-03-02
Oferta:  TODE20240620009

The German company is based in Hamburg, specializing in the research and development of Large Language Models since 2019. In 2021, they developed an LLM from scratch using their own architecture, followed by the developing and training of an automatic speech recognition model. They intend to leverage their expertise in AI model training to explore new applications in collaboration with industry and academia. Leer más [+]

Oportunidades abiertas en el PERTE Salud de Vanguardia para las empresas: Instrumentos y convocatorias CDTI

01/07/2024 Evento Online 12:00 - 13:00 | -

El CDTI, junto con el Comisionado del PERTE de Salud de Vanguardia, organiza este webinario con el objetivo de dar a conocer de primera mano a las empresas, las convocatorias abiertas y previstas, en el ámbito del PERTE Salud de Vanguardia. Entre otras oportunidades se presentará la "Convocatoria multi-país para proyectos de I+D".
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Deep Dive BDIH – Ciberseguridad

03/07/2024 Evento Presencial 09:00 - 14:00 | Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Astondo Bidea, Edificio 700, 48160 Derio, Biscay

La sesión está dirigida tanto a empresas que desarrollan su propio producto (dispositivos embebidos, sistemas de control, aplicaciones software, plataformas digitales), como a empresas que incorporan elementos digitales en sus productos y/o servicios ofrecidos para que puedan conocer cómo hacerlo de una forma segura. Todo lo que vas a encontrar en esta jornada: Familiarizarte con los servicios ofrecidos por los laboratorios de ciberseguridad del BDIH. Presenciar demostraciones prácticas y casos de uso en los que aplicar las soluciones. En esta jornada se presentarán los ámbitos, servicios y activos del nodo, así como los casos y proyectos ya completados. Se presentarán aplicaciones y soluciones en diferentes sectores, a través de los casos de uso y de las demostraciones de los activos. Por último, se propondrán sesiones "hands on" en las que los asistentes tendrán la oportunidad de estar cerca del personal experto para trabajar directamente con los mismos, así como para contrastar sus necesidades individuales con los equipos técnicos.
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Convocatoria multilateral "Eureka Lightweighting 2024" para proyectos conjuntos de I+D

Abierto hasta el 25 de septiembre de 2024 Evento Online - | -

Los organismos nacionales de financiación (NFB) de Austria, Bélgica (Flandes y Valonia), Canadá, Chile, Estonia, Francia, Alemania, Israel, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Polonia, Portugal, Corea del Sur, Eslovaquia, España, Suiza y Turquía pueden apoyar a organizaciones que colaboren en proyectos internacionales de I+D en el campo del aligeramiento de materiales en esta convocatoria del Programa Eureka. Debe tratarse de proyectos colaborativos de investigación e innovación que den lugar a soluciones innovadoras y comercializables. Esta plataforma web proporciona información sobre la convocatoria y es un mercado virtual para buscar perfiles de empresas y oportunidades de cooperación en proyectos. La plataforma permite concertar reuniones B2B en cualquier momento (24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana).
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Green Energy Community

Abierto hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2023 Evento Online - | -

Green Energy Community es una plataforma online que tiene por objetivo permitir a las empresas e instituciones de investigación interesadas del sector energético presentar ideas de proyectos, encontrar socios de investigación, tecnológicos o empresariales y establecer colaboraciones. La comunidad permanecerá abierta hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2024.
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DOBLE BOLETÍN Basque Enterprise Europe Network

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Solicítala a Arturo Antón |

Informazio gehigarria eman diezazukegu astero argitaratzen ditugun lankidetza aukerei buruz.
Eskatu Arturo Antóni |

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