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Selección semanal de Oportunidades Comerciales en Europa

Production Partner Request: high-quality LED-mirror manufacturer required for a Swedish furniture design company

Ref.: BRSE20240604001

An innovative architectural and furniture design studio in Sweden seeks a manufacturing partner for production of LED-mirrors. The partnership sought is for prototype development and mass production. Leer más [+]

German producer of sustainable battery storage systems is looking for component suppliers

Ref.: BRDE20240603012

The German company produces sustainable and high-performance battery storage systems based on already used batteries for industry and commerce. They are looking for third-party manufacturers for busbars and insulation, AC sub-distribution boards, pre-developed components and cable assemblies. Leer más [+]

Portuguese company seeks partners for green hydrogen production equipment distribution

Ref.: BRPT20240529014

A Portuguese services SME with over 16 years of experience in technical analysis and energy solution implementation seeks to commercialize and install green hydrogen production equipment in the tertiary and industrial markets under a commercial agreement with technical assistance. The SME is actively engaged in various processes related to the national energy strategy, energy transition, and recent projects focused on green hydrogen production. Leer más [+]

French company leader in innovative ingredients extracted from algae seeks industrial partners having medical devices development capabilities to strengthen its portofolio in the human health sector.

Ref.: BOFR20240522017

Pioneer of marine biotechnologies with over 30 years of experience, the French company cultivates, extracts and purifies active ingredients from algae. The SME is looking for partners to co develop its innovative products with application in the human health sector (Medical devices and pharmaceuticals). Leer más [+]

A Ukrainian manufacturer of pipe-line valves is looking for new foreign distributors

Ref.: BOUA20240601002

A Ukrainian manufacturer of pipe-line valves for the oil and gas industry, chemical machine engineering, power plants, and metallurgy already active in international markets is willing to increase its export market share. They are looking for distributors interested in distribution services agreements. Leer más [+]

A Ukrainian ferroalloy mini-plant specializing in the production of nickel, titanium, molybdenum, aluminum, and other metal alloys is looking for buyers and distributors for its products.

Ref.: BOUA20240531013

The company is seeking distributors and companies in the metalworking sector for distribution service agreements and manufacturing agreements. Leer más [+]

DOBLE BOLETÍN Basque Enterprise Europe Network

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