
Companies with greater gender equality perform better in terms of innovation and are more competitive

The study of the SPRI initiative "Women in Industry" shows that gender equality has an impact on the improvement of company results.
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WonderShop, WordPress-erako (“WP”) diseinatutako plugina, online denden jabeei katalogoen kudeaketa errazten die
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WonderShop, WordPress-erako (“WP”) diseinatutako plugina, online denden jabeei katalogoen kudeaketa errazten die

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CIC biomaGUNE launches a company that will transform disease diagnosis by using nanosensors

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Engranajes Juaristi stands out for the gender equality in its top management
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Engranajes Juaristi stands out for the gender equality in its top management

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CIC nanoGUNE launches a new call: Industry Collaborative Research Positions

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SPRI presents the results of the study on the impact of women on industrial competitiveness at the World Manufacturing Forum
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SPRI presents the results of the study on the impact of women on industrial competitiveness at the World Manufacturing Forum

The reports is the continuation of the work carried out by the SPRI Group and...

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