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Financial aid and tools for your business

Get expert support and advice.

We pay special attention to the financing of businesses, both to facilitate their recovery and to boost their competitive progress in terms of added value and markets, as well as to tackle new business projects.

We offer venture capital tools, participative credits, guarantees, refundable advances, interest subsidies, and we continue to work on expanding and improving the available financing sources for businesses like yours.

Whether you need to develop a new product, immediate liquidity or to invest in new markets, we have the tools for you.


Contact our financial advisor, a firm support for your project


We offer financial solutions that help you invest in your business

Expert advice

Attraction of investment opportunities for the consolidation of companies

Basque investment platform that provides a secure and confidential space for companies seeking to strengthen, reinforce or expand their business to obtain investment proposals that will allow them to consolidate their business. Apply here
Venture capital

We also contribute to the capital

Accelerating the recovery and growth of Basque companies

At the SPRI Group's Venture Capital Company, we provide you with financial resources and value-added tools. Not only do we offer financial support, but we also contribute to the capital of Basque companies on a temporary basis and collaborate in the management of the company. We are a strategic ally, with the capacity to inject resources and financing into projects like yours.


Would you like us to advise you?

Investment funds

Investment funds


  • Investment in industrial businesses and services related to industry.
  • Innovative businesses with high growth potential.
  • Businesses with investment projects and development of new products/markets.


  • Promotes employee participation in all areas of the business.
  • Helps improve businesses’ financing. Boosts promotion, maintenance and development of projects, combining capital, work and knowledge in a committed manner.


  • Innovative businesses.
  • Businesses related to Advanced Manufacturing.
  • Bioscience businesses.
  • Access to funds