Arantxa Tapia en el DemoDay virtual de Bind 4.0
Digitalisation Entrepreneurship
News 12 November, 2020

Meet the 72 Industry 4.0 Startups most valued by the BIND 4.0 Partner Companies and the Finalists for the 5th Edition of the Program

20 de las seleccionadas proceden de Euskadi, 20 son estatales y 32 internacionales

Next January the Participants will be announced and the acceleration program will begin.

20 of the Finalists selected are from Basque Country, 20 come from throughout Spain and 32 are International.

This year, the Partner Companies are showing interest in projects related to IoT, Big Data, Advanced Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Vision and Robotics, among other technologies.


BIND 4.0 and the 57 Corporate Partner companies that participate in this smart industry innovation platform, maintain their goals for 2021 for the digital transformation of their businesses through collaboration with startups and have selected a total of 72 companies as Finalists for the fifth edition of the program. Next January, the participants will be announced for this public-private initiative from the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment, in collaboration with SPRI Group and its UpEuskadi platform.

The 57 Corporate Partners are evaluating projects related to IoT, Big Data, Advanced Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Vision and Robotics, among other new technologies. These are Industry 4.0 project proposals that the large BIND 4.0 Partner companies will develop next year, together with the participating startups. BIND 4.0 has the participation of such important firms as Mercedes-Benz, Siemens Gamesa, Faes Farma, Coca-Cola European Partners and Unilever. This 24 week program begins January 2021.

Regarding their origins, the finalists of this edition come from 17 different countries. To further breakdown the origin of applicants, 20 are from the Basque Country, 20 from throughout the rest of Spain, including Catalonia, Galicia, Murcia and Madrid, and 32 are international, with 10 startups from Germany, followed by the UK, Italy and Canada, as the countries with the highest representation.

BIND 4.0 recently received 750 registrants, for a total of more than 2,400 applications received since it was launched in 2016. This acceleration program strengthens the position of the Basque Country as an ecosystem for industrial innovation of international reference and manages to attract the best talent. Not surprisingly, despite the circumstances surrounding this fifth edition after the declaration of the pandemic, BIND 4.0 and the driving companies continue to focus on innovation as a way to invest in the future of technology and to promote Industry 4.0 through startups.

If you want to see the complete list of finalist startups, click on the following link: List of Finalist Startups for BIND 4.0

About BIND 4.0

BIND 4.0 is a public-private open innovation platform for smart industry created by the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment through the SPRI Group and its UpEuskadi platform from the ecosystem of entrepreneurship in Euskadi. Currently, it has the collaboration of 57 of the largest and leading global reference companies based in the Basque Country and with the participation of international technology partners such as Siemens, Microsoft and Amazon Web Services. This initiative was created with the double objective of promoting the digital transformation of the industry and, in turn, accelerating the consolidation of innovative initiatives through a collaboration model between large companies and startups. Since 2016, BIND 4.0 has facilitated a total of 178 Industry 4.0 projects, developed by more than 100 startups in its four editions.

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