Modragon Assembly: how to increase the level of performance of manufacturing lines
Mondragon Assembly is a company located in Guipúzcoa, which has more than 40 years of experience in the automation of industrial processes. Mondragon Assembly offers its customers automated assembly lines and equipment that have evolved into an advanced and proactive support service through the application of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Cloud or IoT. As a result, the manufacturing lines they supply to their customers have achieved a high level of efficiency in terms of availability, performance and quality, also addresses the need for fast production lines with high availability and a low error parameter.
In the video of Mondragon Assembly, you will see in detail the need they faced and the solution proposed. They were faced with the challenge of ensuring a high level of performance of the production lines, and the proposed solution was first to define the customer processes, which generates a lot of data that is captured and stored, and subsequent integration both in the production plant and in the cloud.
By incorporating technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Big Data and Cloud, great benefits have been obtained, among which it is worth highlighting the analytics of process controls, predictive maintenance services using anomaly detection techniques and more controlled production lines, strong and competitive.
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