SPRI is committed to innovation, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. It provides new business initiatives with the support they need, giving them comprehensive and flexible support tailored to their needs, so that they can successfully launch, grow and consolidate themselves in the market.
We prioritise technology-based and/or advanced innovation projects (Start-ups) in the industrial sectors, new industry 4.0 technologies (Big data, virtual/augmented reality, collaborative robotics, cybersecurity, Internet of things, 3D printing, etc.) and technologies applied to the fields of advanced manufacturing, energy and health.
The projects that pass through here end up being part of our daily life, and we could not be prouder when we see how they’re consolidated.
You want to know if you have a clear business idea
You have been told that you can access financing, but you do not know where to start
You have doubts when it comes to focusing your business plan and how to adapt it in your presentations
You are concerned because you do not know if your activity involves specific legal requirements
You have not had time to inform yourself on how to protect your industrial and intellectual property
You do not know the market where the activity will take place and you do not know your competition
You need help to make yourself known
You would like to expand your network of contacts and suppliers
This new database not only offers the most detailed picture of the Basque Country tech scene up until now but it’s also a collaborative project. Any startups, investor, or other ecosystem stakeholders can also add their company details themselves and enhance their profile providing open access to data for the community.
The platform is developed in collaboration with Dealroom, the leading provider of data on technology ecosystems in Europe and the world.
C/ Albert Einstein, 15
Parque Tecnológico de Alava, 01510 – Miñano (Álava)
T. 945 298 282
Email: bicaraba@bicaraba.eus
Sabino Arana 8
48013 Bilbao - Bizkaia
T. 944 395 622
Email: info@bicbizkaia.eus
Avenida Altos Hornos de Vizcaya, 33
48901 Barakaldo (Bizkaia)
T. 94 418 41 00
Email: info@bicezkerraldea.eus
Parque Tecnológico Gipuzkoa Paseo Mikeletegi, 83 - 20009 Donostia
T. 943 000 999
Email: bic@bicgipuzkoa.eus
Edificio Fundación Tekniker C/ Iñaki Goenaga, 5. - 20600 Eibar
T. 943 000 999
Email: bic@bicgipuzkoa.eus
Goiru Kalea 1, Edificio A, 4º - 20500 Mondragón
T. 943 712 072
Email: bicarrasate@bicgipuzkoa.eus
We support, train and create an ecosystem that allows startups
to develop and acquire the necessary skills to address both the creation and the growth, consolidation and projection phases of their business.