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WonderShop, WordPress-erako (“WP”) diseinatutako plugina, online denden jabeei katalogoen kudeaketa errazten die

WonderShop, WordPress-erako (“WP”) diseinatutako plugina, online denden jabeei katalogoen kudeaketa errazten die

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Prospect Biotech: real-time analysis of cell cultures using light

Prospect Biotech: real-time analysis of cell cultures using light

Basque Tek Ventures is backing this project that offers an optic solution to develop and monitor advanced therapies.

Makby: 3D bioprinting software for regenerative medicine

Makby: 3D bioprinting software for regenerative medicine

Basque Tek Ventures is backing this initiative that will revolutionise the field of artificial biological tissues.

Konbus+: Controlled temperature and high velocity thermal spray systems

Konbus+: Controlled temperature and high velocity thermal spray systems

The initiative, coming under Basque Tek Ventures, provides high value-added coatings in extreme conditions in a cost-effective manner.

K-ALMA: Generative AI for reliable software tests

K-ALMA: Generative AI for reliable software tests

Basque Tek Ventures is backing this project that automates the code validations by reducing their high certification cost.

INTELLIWELD: assessment of weld quality

INTELLIWELD: assessment of weld quality

Basque Tek Ventures supports this initiative offering an integrated system to analyse and control process and product in welding systems.

FATRIXGEL: universal biomaterial for 3D cell cultures

FATRIXGEL: universal biomaterial for 3D cell cultures

The project, coming under Basque Tek Ventures, will revolutionise the generation of tissues to be used to research pharmaceutical and biotechnological therapies.

CRIOKEEP: device for the cryogenic storage, transport and dosing of therapeutic products

CRIOKEEP: device for the cryogenic storage, transport and dosing of therapeutic products

Basque Tek Ventures is backing this solution to improve the effectiveness of advanced medicine therapies by lowering risks and costs.

BATTBELT: mechanical management of batteries to improve their performance

BATTBELT: mechanical management of batteries to improve their performance

The project, which is part of the Basque Tek Ventures initiative, helps to extend the life and energy density of lithium-ion batteries.

ORBIK: cybersecurity solutions for equipment with embedded electronics

ORBIK: cybersecurity solutions for equipment with embedded electronics

Certification of technology products by means of assessing, detecting and monitoring their security vulnerabilities is the basis of this project hosted by the Basque Tek Ventures initiative.

OPTIDEL Biosystems: low liquefiable polyphenol solubilisation

OPTIDEL Biosystems: low liquefiable polyphenol solubilisation

The project, backed by the Basque Tek Ventures initiative, offers cosmetic-healthcare solutions to formulate more efficient topical products at a low cost.

NEWRO: stroke neurorehabilitation using robotic exoskeleton

NEWRO: stroke neurorehabilitation using robotic exoskeleton

The project, part of the Basque Tek Ventures initiative, will lead to therapies based on the hybrid brain-machine interface to recover after any degree of stroke.

Taldeki Biosolutions: A New Generation of Biosensors for Advanced Diagnostics

Taldeki Biosolutions: A New Generation of Biosensors for Advanced Diagnostics

This project, supported by Basque Tek Ventures, is developing high-sensitivity tests for detecting conditions such as diabetes and infectious diseases.

BIDEROAD: digital transformation of road infrastructure management

BIDEROAD: digital transformation of road infrastructure management

Basque Tek Ventures is behind this project aimed at digitalising the management, monitoring and maintenance of the road network.

OPTEC4LIFE: non-invasive foetal monitoring and in real time

OPTEC4LIFE: non-invasive foetal monitoring and in real time

Driven by Basque Tek Ventures, the project proposes a technology that combines multispectroscopic analysis and artificial intelligence to diagnose the metabolic state of the baby in high-risk births.

BMCP: advanced mass spectrometry to identify macromolecules

BMCP: advanced mass spectrometry to identify macromolecules

The project, part of the Basque Tek Ventures initiative, will integrate nanotechnology in a mechatronics detection system to pinpoint large particles precisely.

INSPECTRAIL: End-to-end preventive inspection system for railways

INSPECTRAIL: End-to-end preventive inspection system for railways

The project, hosted by the Basque Tek Ventures initiative, will provide precise and continuous information to know the network status and optimise its management, functioning and maintenance.

tramoIA: collaborative logistics for total automation

tramoIA: collaborative logistics for total automation

Basque Tek Ventures is behind this project that combines robotics, autonomous navigation and artificial intelligence for more efficient management of logistics warehouses.

SAFELOC: real time information to improve productivity and safety of workers in manufacturing

SAFELOC: real time information to improve productivity and safety of workers in manufacturing

The project, backed by the Basque Tek Ventures initiative, uses UWB technology for high precision personnel and asset positioning in electromagnetic and metallic environments.

SIAPS: visual inspection systems based on artificial intelligence and vision

SIAPS: visual inspection systems based on artificial intelligence and vision

The project, promoted by Basque Tek Ventures, digitalises the parts check for early error detection, gap-free traceability of the quality control process, and lower environmental impact and personnel costs.

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