The biomaterials used in researching new therapies, and regenerative and customised medicine, do not manage to recreate the micro-environments of native tissues.
For example, the drugs that work in vitro do not function in the following phase as the models do not include the necessary cell or enzymatic mechanisms.
Fatrixgel is a biomaterial that mimics the extracellular matrix of the native fabrics and, therefore, improves the efficiency of the 3D cell cultures.
This is achieved by means of a new patented tissue decellularization process that is fast, cost-effective, scalable and reproducible. Fatrixgel allows its properties to be adapted; always uses a single material; and can be used for any 3D culture protocol and process.
Tagline: Universal biomaterial for 3D cell cultures: Researching new customised therapies/medicine.
Financing needs:
Phase 1: €350,000 to set up company, CEO, commercial action, marketing, raw materials. Tecnalia manufactures the products.
Phase 2: €300,000-600,000 equipment for own manufacturing and scaling of sales internationally.
Within the global 3D culture market (CAGR 15%, $6.5 billion in 2032), the target market is the scaffold-based segment, which accounted for 68% of the total in 2023.
The growth is driven by less use of animals, customised medicine and investment in R&D. The main customers are research institutes, biotechnological and pharmaceutical companies.
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