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20/03/2025 Entrepreneurship
WonderShop, WordPress-erako (“WP”) diseinatutako plugina, online denden jabeei katalogoen kudeaketa errazten die
Garatzen eta merkaturatzen duena WoonderSoft da. Enpresa gipuzkoarrak nazioarteko asmoak ditu eta bere produktuak interesa piztu du beste herrialde batzuetan.

24/10/2023 Entrepreneurship
REBEL TICKETS resale platform, now available on your cell phone
Now you will be able to buy and sell your tickets in a simpler, more comfortable and accessible way.

07/06/2023 Entrepreneurship
The Basque Country reinforces its position as a Technology Entrepreneurship Hub with more than 1,000 start-ups and €100 million investment in 2022
The Basque Government and SPRI, in collaboration with the network of BICs in the Basque Country, have drawn up the first report on the situation of the Basque Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. The report is based on the information collected in Up! Euskadi, the interactive platform built with Dealroom technology to raise...

28/10/2022 Entrepreneurship
Wake up! Resumen de noticias emprendedoras en la Red
Todo el talento emprendedor de Euskadi, contigo cada mañana en tu desayuno. ¡Síguenos!

10/06/2022 Entrepreneurship
Wake up! Resumen de noticias emprendedoras en la Red
Todo el talento emprendedor de Euskadi, contigo cada mañana en tu desayuno. ¡Síguenos!