If you are looking to reinforce the logistics of your business and you need a new workplace, modular offices that fit your workforce, competitive pricing and flexibility, or you are looking to be part of a collaborative ecosystem in an environment that fosters research and development, take a look at what we can offer you.
Sprilur offers you infrastructure solutions: units, offices, industrial land and very competitive economic conditions. The Basque Country Technology Parks Network is also dedicated to making you part of an innovative environment, generating synergies and opportunities.
Units, developed industrial land, industrial buildings and offices at competitive prices and access to property through flexible financial formulas.
We are your infrastructure solutions provider; tell us what you need and we will find the best strategic location for your business.
Businesses have requested about 75,000 m² of space for economic activities:
29,626 m² of industrial plots,
40,743 m² of units and
4,334 m² of office space in the last fiscal year.
More than 20.2 million euros have been invested
Through flexible financing formulas; From simple rental with purchase options or the usual direct purchase.
Sprilur offers infrastructure solutions and adapts to the needs of each company, favouring its development and competitiveness and mitigating its obsolescence.
It builds and manages industrial areas strategically located to meet the needs of the Basque industrial network, creating leading business ecosystems based on the New Basque Competitiveness Model.
Creation and management of business centres:
It builds and commercialises spaces in strategic locations to create synergy and meet the land and infrastructure needs of Basque companies.
It participates in the European S-PARCS project, a public-private cooperation plan for extracting new models and opportunities for better management of energy expenditure.
Within the framework of the COPIT program, Sprilur focuses on fostering cooperation between companies and promoting possible lines of business, technology transfer, products, services, knowledge, R&D&I projects and internationalisation.
It is also a member of the Association of Local Companies of General Interest (ELIGE) with the aim of promoting the common interests of all of them and fostering competitiveness and service quality in the localities where they operate.
The Industrialdeak companies are local antennas in which Sprilur has a majority shareholding, and their mission is to promote business activity in the municipalities where they operate.
They provide companies with access to urbanised industrial land, industrial buildings and offices for the optimal development of their activities.
Thanks to them, our offer is advantageous and adapted to the reality of business initiatives.
An innovative ecosystem of knowledge, talent and transfer in strategic sectors for key industry in the Basque Country: aeronautics, food, automotive, biosciences/health, energy, advanced manufacturing, advanced services and ICTs.
The Technology Parks Network of Alava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, design and develop value-added services for all companies and professionals, aimed at strengthening the innovation capabilities of the parks’ agents and generating networks and contacts.
More than 544 companies and R&D agents are already located in our parks.
Would you like to be part of this network?
544 companies
18,489 professionals
43 technology and research centres
38% total R&D expenditure in the Basque Country
5,568 million euros in turnover
12 clusters
Of urbanised land
Álava Technology Park
Hermanos Lumiere, 11
01510 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Bizkaia Science and Technology Park
Ibaizabal Bidea, 101
48170 Zamudio
Gipuzkoa Science and Technology Park
Pº Mikeletegi, 53
20009 San Sebastián