At Spri Group and the Basque Government, we work side by side with companies like yours and, as a result of this work, we have developed programmes and grants to encourage innovation in the Basque business fabric—and they work very well. The aim is for innovation to reach even the smallest SMEs, with specific aid for them.
Hazinnova and Innobideak are the key initiatives to boost innovation. The former is the gateway to innovation for SMEs for micro-projects. And the latter, Innobideak, supports non-technological innovation, people’s participation, the incorporation of advanced management and the search for business excellence in or
Its objective is to provide information on the Innobideak strategy, its instruments, on how to innovate in business models and on the new model of Advanced Management, knowing the keys and the way to advance in its six elements to innovate and ultimately be more competitive. It is aimed at managers and directors of industrial and service companies.
The initiative is free and consists of 6 independent modules of 5 hours each.
An advanced organisation should have the necessary strategic information and carry out participative processes of reflection with which to establish a strategy that will later be duly deployed and communicated, and at the service of which economic-financial resources, technology and information are managed.
“An advanced organisation should cultivate relationships with its clients and be efficient in all the elements of its activity (value chain), which goes from design, the development of products and services, commercialisation, their production or provision of services, distribution and maintenance (if applicable). For all this, it should be supported by reliable supplier organisations who should play a significant role in defining and developing the strategy”.
“An advanced organisation should attract, select, reward and duly attend to its people, preserve and develop their knowledge, skills and talent in a way that is aligned with the strategy, engages them in the organisation's project and develops their autonomy, their ability to work in teams and foster leadership”.
“An advanced organisation should ensure the development of the entities that make up the social environment where it operates, analysing the impact it has on it and taking an active part in those activities in which it can carry out more effective social work, in line with its capacities and values, reinforcing its strategy, and also promoting measures that contribute to environmental sustainability”.
“An advanced organisation should define the objectives and the strategy to innovate and create the context for people to take risks, undertake and innovate, take advantage of the potential of technologies for innovation as well as that of other people and organisations in the environment, and manage innovative ideas and projects to materialise them”.
“An advanced organisation should achieve satisfactory and balanced results in relation to the different interest groups. Good strategic results, results in customers, results in people and results in society, plus innovation results that make the organisation evolve and transform, that strengthen its competitiveness and sustainability”.