Subsidies for the Basque Companies .

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News 25 May, 2022

Get to know the assets of the BIDH: PVD pilot line coating facilities for industrial components of Tekniker

Tekniker offers Basque companies, via the BIDH, the possibility of developing by means of PVD technologies coatings for plastic and mechanical components as well as solar collectors with different properties depending on its industrial application.

Tekniker offers Basque companies, via the BIDH, the possibility of developing by means of PVD technologies coatings for plastic and mechanical components as well as solar collectors with different properties depending on its industrial application.

Through this asset, the companies can create coatings of different sorts: metallic decorative for plastic components; tribological for mechanical components as well as selective for solar collectors and reflectors. Additionally, companies can make use of the pilot lines of Tekniker for the manufacturing of functional coatings with arch and sputtering technologies.

Use case

Bronymec has used this asset of the Additive Manufacturing Node to research the friction and wear resistance of functional coatings in the field of post-processing, discovering that Multijet-Fusion printed parts can also be used for tribological applications.

Bronymec is a company born in 1995 dedicated to the distribution and machining of polymers and composites. Through this project, the company has decided to go further by opening up applications for additive manufacturing.

Do not miss the video of Bronymec, where its manager, Ander Cristóbal Etxebarria, and the engineer, Amaia de Castro, explain all the details of this case and the benefits obtained.


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