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News 2 February, 2022 BDIH Innovation BDIH Robótica Flexible y Colaborativa BDIH

Get to know the assets of the BDIH: Viulib, the real-time image analysis software library of VICOMTECH

The Viulib library encompasses a large set of techniques and algorithms related with computer vision that together become an efficient and flexible tool to address the solutions demanded by the market.

The Viulib library encompasses a large set of techniques and algorithms related with computer vision that together become an efficient and flexible tool to address the solutions demanded by the market.

Vicomtech, via this library, offers a service oriented to the superficial inspection of components, based in photometric stereo techniques, both for online inspection mechanisms and for others on board of robots. To this end, the camera or photometric stereo system is integrated in a robot which allows them to inspect the entire component or specific regions through its movement.

The Viulib library also has high-level capabilities for facial identification or gestural recognition which allows Vicomtech to offer services oriented towards collaborative robotics schemes, a sector which demands flexible solutions for the interaction and communication between workers and robots. In addition, the high capabilities for continuous monitoring of people offered by the library through the application of computer vision techniques provides additional security services in scenarios where there is a very close interaction between workers and robots, avoiding possible accidents.

Use case

The Cyber Surgery company has used this software library for the development of a robotic assistant for spine surgery procedures. The use of this library, oriented to industrial needs related to the surface quality inspection of components and process control by means of 2D computer vision, combined with the technology provided by the Microsoft’s Hololens 2, has permitted Cyber Surgery to develop a system for the execution of minimally invasive spine surgeries making it easier for the patient’s recovery.

As part of the BIDH’S Flexible Robotics node, Vicomtech has made available for Cyber Surgery various computer vision banks and robots endowed with different lighting and image acquisition equipment in order to perform all the necessary tests for the development of its proprietary system.

We invite you to watch the video in which the persons in charge of Cyber Surgery explain in detail what its robotic assistant for spinal surgery procedures does and how it has benefited from the assets of the BDIH to get on track.

Another of the success stories related to the use of this asset developed by Vicomtech Grabit company. This startup, in addition to its artificial vision system, has used the real-time image analysis software library and prototypical neural networks to improve one of their products.

This is a supermarket scale, which, thanks to the technology provided by the BDIH, has achieved greater product detection capacity and precision in its measurements. Don’t miss the Grabit video, where the project managers explain what they have done while working in this case.

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