Components control, diagnosis and monitoring system
Goizper is a co-operative group of approximately 350 workers created here in Antzuola and currently consists of three business units: The Spraying Division, the Biotechnology Division and the power transmission components division. From the point of view of product innovation, one of the challenges Goizper is facing, and specifically the...

Cell “Zero Defect Manufacturing”: a highly versatile solution for the metrological field
The “Zero Defect Manufacturing” Cell is one of the assets incorporated into the BDIH at the Flexible and Collaborative Robotics node. It is the property of CEIT, a technology centre whose main task is to carry out industrial research projects in close collaboration with the R&D departments of companies. This...

SPRI Group will propose at the World Manufacturing Forum transformative actions to enhance the presence of women in the manufacturing industry
Cristina Oyón has led the international group of experts that has drafted the report that will be disclosed on October 20th and 21st at the World Manufacturing Forum, which can be followed online for free upon registration

Modragon Assembly: how to increase the level of performance of manufacturing lines
Mondragon Assembly is a company located in Guipúzcoa, which has more than 40 years of experience in the automation of industrial processes. Mondragon Assembly offers its customers automated assembly lines and equipment that have evolved into an advanced and proactive support service through the application of technologies such as Artificial...

Learn about the BDIH’s offer of 4.0 solutions in flexible robotics
October will be Flexible Robotics Month at the Basque Digital Innovation Hub. During the next few weeks we will present you a series of articles with the main solutions proposed by the members of the Basque Digital Innovation Hub for industrial needs related to flexible and collaborative robotics. Flexible and...

High throughput and monitoring of assembly lines
Mondragon Assembly is a company located in Guipuzcoa, with more than 40 years of experience in the automation of industrial processes, offering its customers automated assembly lines and equipment. Thanks to technologies such as AI, Big Data and Cloud or IoT, the company has managed to move towards an advanced...

Creation of predictive models to achieve accuracy on the entire batch of components
Alcorta Forging Group is a company located in Elgoibar (Guipuzcoa), with over a 100 years of history in the forging sector and international presence in countries such as China, USA and South Africa. In the hot forging process of steel, the conditions are very severe due to process waste and...

Increased machine precision and tangible value technology
ZAYER is a machine tool manufacturer located in Vitoria (Álava) born in the 1950s and whose customers include the world’s leading aircraft, vehicle, train and wind turbine manufacturers. In order to increase the level of precision of its machines and speed up the adjustment processes, it was necessary to take...

Industry 4.0 and production facilities digitalisation
Korta is a family company founded 40 years ago and located in Zumaia (Guipuzcoa). Specialised in the manufacture of ball screws, the company has an important position in markets such as machine tools, energy, automotive and aeronautics. During one of its first aeronautical projects, the company came across the need...

Sophisticated maintenance and data analysis of machinery
Fagor Arrasate is a cooperative of the Mondragon corporation dedicated to the design and manufacture of high-tech, fully automated machinery for strategic sectors such as the automotive industry, the steel and aluminium value chain, aeronautics and the manufacture of household appliances. Fagor needed to offer customers better maintenance support in...

SK Inspect, inspection software for component quality improvement
GKN Automotive is, to the automotive industry, the only supplier focused on driveline technologies with a presence in 20 countries throughout 5 continents. The company pursue to address several needs: automating control processes, optimising the traceability of the components and implementing automatic productive decision-making. To this end, and making use...

Real time management of production processes
Microdeco is an SME based in Eibar (Guipuzcoa) dedicated to precision bar turning and specialized in the manufacture of highly complex parts. Its main target is the automotive sector. Ibermatica’s Manufacturing Platform follows an integrated approach, seeking to solve different manufacturing problems, from a systemic perspective. The main goal of...

Tubispec project: measurement and 3D imaging for quality parameters
Tubos Reunidos is global leader in niche segments of special seamless steel tubular products. Through 120 years of history and presence in more than 100 countries, this company needed to implement a system that would make it possible to extract both inside and outside measurements of the tubes. Using AI...

Optimal management of energetic efficiency through consumption monitoring
Airlan is a manufacturer of air conditioning equipment based in Bilbao (Vizcaya) that offers a wide range of products and services throughout Spain. The company’s goal is to optimise energy management, allowing the building operator make a significant economic and environmental savings along the life cycle of the installation. In...

Remote monitoring platform for intelligent management of photovoltaic solar plants
P4Q is an SME focused on the energy sector and located in Alonsotegi (Biscay). The subsidiary dedicated to the commissioning and after-sales services of the solar product division identified the need to remotely monitor the operating parameters of the control systems of the solar trackers in real time, which would...

Automotive Smart Factory – Competence centre specialised in advanced manufacturing, oriented to the development and implementation of 4.0 manufacturing strategies and to the training of new profiles demanded by the industry
Automotive Intelligence Centre (AIC) is a European value generation centre for the automotive sector operating an open innovation model. Located in Boroa (Biscay), it currently consists of 30 organisations with more than 950 professionals using its facilities. Given the Centre’s goals and activities, it was essential for the AIC to...

Automated intralogistics, guaranteed availability
Ulma Handling Systems is a large company that offers intralogistics solutions to multiple sectors and is located in Oñati (Guipuzkoa). The company identified two principal needs in logistics and supply chain management; firstly, the need to provide their customers with an automated intralogistics facility to guarantee the highest availability rates...

Optimisation and monitoring of the machining-process variables
Aernnova es una empresa líder en el diseño y fabricación de aeroestructuras para los principales OEMs y cuya sede central se encuentra ubicada en Miñano (Álava). Esta empresa detectó varias necesidades en el área de eficiencia productiva, tales como: Disponer de herramientas de diseño avanzado que integren la coordinación de...

4.0 Intelligent and connected machines: Soluciones integradoras para el rectificado digital
After 3 articles in which we have brought together the benefits and added value that its assets and services can offer Basque SMEs in the field of digital finishing, we put an end to the month of Intelligent and Connected Machines node with this article, which includes the opinion of...

Intelligent and connected machines: improve the surface integrity and reliability of your manufacturing processes
In the grinding process, the temperature reached by the workpiece is a decisive factor, since most of the energy required is converted into heat, and the consequences of thermal damage include phase changes and residual stresses. Hence the importance of knowing the heat distribution along the cutting process, in order...