Aker Solutions selects TUBACEX as a delivery partner for umbilical tubes for key projects on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
As a result of collaboration between both companies, Tubacex will deliver Aker Solutions AS (the Norwegian energy solutions provider) a total of 1,000 km of umbilical offshore tubes to be installed for three projects in the North Sea.
The aim of this important agreement is to manufacture tubes, that are used to control production equipment on the seabed and for the injection of fluids or corrosion inhibitors. This type of equipment is an extremely demanding technical solution, given its control function of the facilities and equipment on the seabed. Supply of the tubes is essentially carried out by welding tubes in coils, following the most demanding non-destructive tests and X-ray tests.
This is one of the largest supply projects for this type of application in the umbilicals market, a sector in which TUBACEX holds a leading position. Engineering teams from both firms have collaborated in finding optimal technological solutions. TUBACEX will manufacture these offshore umbilical tubes at its production facilities located in Spain and Austria, with deliveries scheduled in 2023 & 2024 respectively.
In the words of Jesús Esmorís, CEO of Tubacex, “We are pleased to have been selected by Aker Solutions to carry out these key projects on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Energy security in Europe has become of extreme importance and the choice of Tubacex shows our strength in the supply of these high value-added tubular products. The energy generation sector, particularly the offshore, is on the rise and Tubacex has the solutions that can be adapted to the needs of the multi-energy market. This agreement with Aker Solutions also implies the implementation of specific sustainability measures that will enable the reduction of CO2 emissions within the project execution”.
About Tubacex
Tubacex is the world leader in the design, manufacture and installation of sophisticated industrial products and high value-added services for the power generation and mobility sectors. Tubacex delivers value to its customers thanks to its global presence, with production plants and service centers in Spain, Austria, Italy, USA, India, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Norway, Canada, Singapore, Guyana and Kazakhstan.
Its sustainability and environment policies are backed by the main ESG certification bodies, such as the Science Based Targets (SBT) emission reduction commitments, accreditation in ratings such as CDP (Rating A-), and Ecovadis or S&P sustainability standards. Tubacex is a listed company on the Spanish Stock Market since 1970 as part of the Ibex Small Caps Index.
About Aker Solutions
Aker Solutions delivers integrated solutions, products and services to the global energy industry. Aker Solutions enables low-carbon oil and gas production and develop renewable solutions to meet future energy needs. By combining innovative digital solutions and predictable project execution the company accelerates the transition to sustainable energy production. Aker Solutions has around 15,000 employees in more than 20 countries.
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