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News 25 November, 2022 Innovation Internationalisation Basque Enterprise Europe Network Europe

The Enterprise Europe Network offers Basque companies advice on technological development and the international commercialization of innovative products and services

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) has established itself as the perfect public sector tool to complement the efforts of Basque companies in internationalizing their R&D&i and their business in general. Through its advisory and assistance service in the transfer of knowledge, technology and innovation, more and more SMEs are seeing how by opening up to the opportunities offered by this European Network, they are achieving high impact results.

The solutions currently offered by the EEN to close down and exploit certain technological developments, to incorporate advanced technology, to materialize a commercialization strategy for products and services, or to receive expert advice on European R&D financing, make the Euskadi EEN node an essential ally for growth and to expand in foreign markets.

Through this training and advisory service, companies can find the technologies that best suit their needs and connect them with potential international partners to reach technology transfer agreements and expand into new markets. EEN’s ability to perform innovation diagnostics and carry out analyses of international R&D&I needs is a high value-added solution for companies, which, in turn, is reinforced by the organization of innovation information events that provide them with knowledge about new technologies, sectors and funding opportunities which are not normally within their reach.

The EEN also promotes international transfer between technology generators and technology seekers. Through an automated search engine, companies can search through the European technology offers and demands published on the network, narrowing down and choosing the profiles that best suit their needs. This is complemented by an alert and monitoring system, which allows Basque companies to keep abreast of new innovative, scientific and technological transformation trends. Additionally, the EEN organizes matchmaking events, also known as brokerage events, consisting of pre-arranged bilateral meetings in the framework of international conferences.

The EEN network is present in Euskadi through the EENBasque Consortium

Basque Enterprise Europe Network, EENBasque, offers you free, personalized expert advice and a methodology with proven effectiveness, through a consortium made up of: SPRI, Innobasque, Chambers of Commerce, BasqueTrade & Investment and BEAZ.

You can find more information about the services of EEN Basque here.


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