David J. Anderson, fundador de la escuela de formación.

A prestigious management training centre opens its first European office in Bilbao

The David J. Anderson School of Management targets the training of managers to increase the competitiveness of their companies using the Kanban method


The David J. Anderson School of Management targets the training of managers to increase the competitiveness of their companies using the Kanban method


The David J. Anderson School of Management is a training centre for managers, which is known internationally for offering business management and leadership development programmes using the Kanban method, developed by David J. Anderson.


The training centre in Bilbao, which was opened on 11th April, offers a European headquarters for the David J. Anderson School of Management, whose training programmes are a huge success in the United States and in other parts of the world. The training school in Bilbao has already attracted clients from the United States, Germany, India, France, United Kingdom, Latin America, Eastern Europe and Africa, as well as companies located in the Basque Country and in the rest of Spain.


David J. Anderson, the founder of the school, is originally from Scotland and author of six books on Kanban. The David J. Anderson School of Management has its own intellectual property and training plans, designed mainly for technological and professional services companies, which offers managers new ways to develop their business vision, helps them make better decisions and be more efficient. The Kanban method also provides them with pragmatic and achievable decision frameworks to analyse the business environment and make decisions that improve their competitive positioning.


Bilbao offers attractive conditions for the setting up of the European office of the David J Anderson School of Management, such as a high level of business training, excellent quality of life, good airport connections with the major European hubs, and it also provides a profitable location to develop the business towards Europe and Latin America.


The fully refurbished offices, equipped with multimedia technology, are in the centre of Bilbao. Carlos Calleja, the Managing Director of the Bilbao training centre, assures: “Our objective is to help companies and their leaders to address the demands of an increasingly competitive market. Training in the Kanban method is the best tool to improve the management of companies’ processes and make them more productive”.


David J. Anderson, who personally gives the training in Bilbao and Seattle, says: “Opening our European office in Bilbao is very important for us, as it enables us to be closer to our clients in Europe. Our courses have always been deeply rooted in a pragmatic and actionable guide based on evidence. We know that these methods work. They are proven and we know how difficult it can be to implement changes in companies, so we offer practical and feasible guidance that can be swiftly implemented. This is an important differentiator of our approach”.


The David J. Anderson School of Management is also organising a two-day European conference in Bilbao called “Enterprise Agility Europe”, from 10th to 11th June, whose slogan is “Agility is Important”. The conference will include 19 speakers from different nationalities and leaders in business agility and transformation management of companies.


The presentations will include transformation and agility case studies in different sectors. Furthermore, four workshops on management and the implementation of Kanban have been organised, in which expert consultants will present the methodological keys for an effective transformation of the business processes. Tickets for this meeting are available at the following address: https://www.enterprise-agility.eu


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