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News 27 April, 2018 Invest in Basque Country

Contacts with the Bombay Industries Association interested in investing in the Basque Country

“Invest in the Basque Country”, the SPRI Group strategy aimed at attracting foreign investment into the Basque Country, has met a delegation of 30 companies
La delegación de Bombay, en la visita.

Invest in the Basque Country”, the SPRI Group strategy aimed at attracting foreign investment into the Basque Country, has met a delegation of 30 companies from the Bombay Industries Association interested in collaborating with Basque companies and exploring the possibility of investing here, given the technological development and the importance of the Basque metal-mechanical industrial sector. The Indian companies, mostly in the engineering and metal components sector, have shown great interest in establishing operations and investing in the Basque Country, in collaboration with Basque companies, to gain access to the European market. At the same time, they offer collaboration for Basque companies to introduce their products into India, a fast-growing market.


During their visit to the Basque Country, which focussed on Araba, they had the opportunity to visit companies like EGA Master and Cevisa, as well as the Araba Technology Park, where they were able to learn about the development model of the Basque Network of Science and Technology Parks, an international reference.


The Bombay Industries Association, created in 1948, is a deeply-rooted forum for industrialists, businessmen and professionals in India, with more than 1,200 members representing small, medium and large industries, including high technology companies. Among its other activities, the Association organizes international missions, such as the one that has brought them to Spain, in collaboration with the Commercial Office of the ICEX in Mumbai.

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