Cluster Policy
Promoting technical and commercial collaboration between companies in the sector
Being part of a cluster means power of coordination between companies, access to relevant information for the sector, crossing knowledge and opportunities, the possibility of working with collaborators on projects that we could hardly carry out alone, and national and international visibility. It means technological and business innovation and the internationalisation of our companies.
In the Basque Country, we have created an important network of clusters aimed at increasing the competitiveness of companies through cooperation and with the support of institutions and universities, which has meant strengthening the Basque industrial fabric.
Efficiency in Cluster Policy has given us the Award for the Most Effective Administration in Cluster Policy, granted by the State Cluster Association, and recognised worldwide.
It is part of a large organisation that adds to everyone’s capabilities
Technological Innovation
Increase in the technological and innovative content of the products of the companies in the cluster.
Application of convergent technologies in the development of intercluster collaboration initiatives and projects.
Facilitating the collaboration of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network (RVCTI) with the companies of the cluster in joint projects of development and technology transfer.
Increased environmental and energy sustainability by increasing efficiency and saving resources in the cluster value chain.
Integration of advanced manufacturing processes in the productive transformation links.
Incorporation of new enabling technologies into the production process and final products; EICTs, BIO, NANO, Sustainable energy and green economy.
Through the access of companies to new global markets and niches and their integration in global value chains.
Development of collaborative initiatives and projects in areas of intercluster opportunity such as offshore, smart cities, etc., in order to access new niches and global markets.
Support for attracting activities and the establishment of companies from abroad, as well as strategic industrial projects that contribute to completing the value chains of each cluster.
Business Innovation
Support for the creation of Complete Activity Chains, from R&D to the market.
Encouragement and support of intrapreneurship initiatives in the cluster companies.
Sizing and convergence of companies.
Facilitating people’s participation in the company.
Development of new business models and access to new areas of intercluster opportunity combining existing capabilities and converging technologies.
Development of new specialised financial tools.
Aligning cluster actions with the Smart specialisation strategy.
Actions related to Advanced Manufacturing in the field of non-technological innovation, including the implementation of Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (EICT) tools for companies.
¿Sabías que la política de clústers de Euskadi, es una referencia mundial y se estudia en Harvard por sus buenos resultados?
El sistema de clústeres en el País Vasco, iniciado hace más de veinte años, se basa en una concentración de empresas pequeñas y medianas, instituciones y universidades que comparten el interés por un sector económico y estratégico concreto. Los socios reunidos en los distintos clústeres trabajan desde la cooperación, dado que en el País Vasco se entiende que de manera aislada no se puede competir ni responder a la globalización, la innovación y la sostenibilidad.
La progresiva evolución del modelo ha dado lugar a las 22 agrupaciones empresariales que conforman el tejido de clústers y preclusters de Euskadi.
Las acciones de cooperación surgen de la matriz resultante de la lógica del Plan Estratégico del Clúster y las Áreas de Actuación Estratégica definidas en la estrategia económica y de competitividad del Gobierno Vasco: Plan de Industrialización, Internacionalización, Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación, RIS3 – Especialización Inteligente, etc.
16 Clusters and Cluster Facilitating Organisations (CFO)
SPRI Group coordinates, with a team of 10 people, the support programme for the Basque cluster promotion organisations, maintain an open, facilitating communication in the follow-up of their action plans.
Immersed in a process of improvement since its foundation, the evolution of the Basque clusters has seen its management oriented, over time, towards the gradual development of the pyramid of cooperation in the implementation of their action plans on their strategic areas of action.
Its goal is to promote cooperation between its members when addressing the strategic challenges of each cluster in a marked approach to strengthening SMEs
Active, involved and driving agents in the strategic and competitive intelligence of the Basque economy.