BIND SME boosts the digitalization of SMEs by connecting them with technology startups
BIND SME responds to the new technological challenges of SMEs through the collaboration with innovative startups and scaleups.
Through BIND, SMEs from the Basque Country present in each edition a series of use cases to which the candidate startup must respond by applying disruptive technological solutions. The startup proposals that best solve these use cases will be selected to develop their projects in collaboration with the Basque SMEs.
“Startups get reference clients; SMEs get innovative technological solutions”
Figures from the previous edition
Participating SMEs
Projects developed
Participating Startups
Successful editions
For Tech Startups and Scale ups
Startups and scaleups that have a disruptive technological solution capable of solving any of the current challenges of the industry and interested in developing their projects hand in hand with a reference SME.
01_Startups and scaleups with new technologies that have completed their technological development. Startups that have a product or solution that can be demonstrated, tested and even available in the market.
02_Companies that are no more than 8 years old, that make use of new technologies to improve industrial processes and are ready to accelerate their business development.
03_Startups and scaleups with disruptive solutions for the advanced manufacturing, environmental, construction, design, automotive and food industries, including: artificial intelligence, big data, computing, cybersecurity, machine vision, IoT, additive manufacturing, robotics, nanotechnology, new materials, immersive realities and much more!
Get ready to present your innovative solution and respond to the technological challenges of the industry
For SMEs
SMEs that are part of BIND SME are looking to accelerate and streamline their digital transformation, competitiveness and innovation to respond to new industry challenges.
01_Companies with at least one center of activity in the Basque Country
02_Companies with a workforce of less than 250 employees
03_Companies in a phase of digital transformation, improvement and acceleration of their competitiveness or in search of innovative solutions for the growth and expansion of their business
04_SMEs in the industrial, construction, food and beverage, product manufacturing, environmental, energy or automotive sectors, among others
Tell us your technological needs, and BIND will connect you with the startups that best match them
BIND SME offers innovative solutions to respond to the new challenges posed by the industry in the digital transformation processes, through the application and development of disruptive technologies, connecting Basque SMEs and Startups
An agile and rapid boost to the digitalization of Basque SMEs, offering them innovative solutions that respond to the new challenges posed in the areas of advanced manufacturing industries, environment, construction, design, automotive and food industry, among others.
And, on the other hand, it gives startups the opportunity to access their first customers and test their technologies through a real case that allows them to grow.
- Contract with a reference SME to implement your technological solution
- Direct access to the market: real projects with real turnover
- Develop a success case for a market segment with a high volume of opportunities
- To have the endorsement and experience of consolidated clients in the sector
- Fast and agile implementation of projects with BIND experts in open innovation
- Maintenance of technology ownership
- Positioning and visibility among the open innovation ecosystem of SMEs, corporations and public companies
- Direct access to the most innovative talent and technology
- Respond to your technological challenges with customized solutions
- Knowledge of success stories in the sector and disruptive technologies for your industry
- Develop new internal capabilities for agile and proven innovation with experts in open innovation
- Improved competitiveness
- Ability to lead the sector and share experiences with the ecosystem of innovative SMEs
- Advance the digitization of your company
If you are an SME with less than 250 employees and a center of activity in the Basque Autonomous Community, tell us about your needs.
If you are a technology startup less than 8 years old with a developed product, propose your solution.
SME Registration and Definition of technology use cases
(May - September)
SMEs register during May and June and present their needs as use cases in September.
Presentation of Use Cases and Call for Startups
(September - October)
Each SME participates in up to 3 of the 7 use cases proposed per edition and starts the startup registration process.
Selection and Matching Process
(October - November)
Selection of the startups that propose the best solution and closing of projects and contracts between the SME and the startup.
Project Development
(December - June)
Collaboration and implementation of joint projects between SMEs and startups.
Take part in the BIND SME Connection challenges, by posing your own or meeting it
- Harness the new partnership opportunities for Basque SMEs and startups
- You will work with experts throughout the process
- Growth opportunities for both profiles
- Open innovation immersion in the Basque Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
- With a leading programme and method that embraces more challenges each year
- And following the Cluster Challenges model, which brings the success of the BIND platform to this segment
In the three editions of BIND SME so far, more than 30 projects and collaborations between SMEs and startups have been developed.

“With BIND SME, we have collaborated with nationally important companies such as ELDU, Eroski, Bellota Herramientas, Goizper, the BCC and in several projects with social action organizations, among other sectors, which has led us to grow and increase the team”. KEVO

“The challenge of being able to work with SMEs will open a large market for us and many doors to demonstrate that we can help them with a product that we have optimized to reach the market for monitoring and data visualization”. IMMERSIA

“The willingness to experiment with new solutions from the companies participating in BIND is clear and is motivated by the fantastic dynamics driven by the whole ecosystem”. HUPI
SMEs that have participated
AAC Centro de Acústica Aplicada · Afesa · Agaleus · Agrupalab · Alcad · Algon · Ameztoi Anaiak · Artiach · Artomaña · Astigarraga Kit Line · Azpiaran · Basoinsa · Burdinola · Café Fortaleza · Comercial Hostelera · Cometel · Couth · Daisalux · deDiego · Dimeco · Ekide Group · Eldu · Elosegi Bodegas · Euskabea · Fhimasa · Flanker Tech Solutions · Flexix · Frutas Iru · Garita Automotive · GHI Hornos · Giraldo · Glual · Grupo Repair · Gutram · Hernani Talleres · Ibarmia · Indumental Recycling · Ingemat · Irurena Group · Itsasmendi · Izar Cutting Tools · Kimua · Lantek · Lazpiur · Loire Gestamp · Metal Group · Ona · Ojmar · Paturpat · Salva · Sariki Metrología · Sercontrol · Teknimap · Tivoly · Trimek · Zabalandi · Zabalgarbi · Zayer · Zikotz
Solve your doubts
Take part in the digital transformation: present the innovative solutions of your startup
If you are a startup or scaleup and want your technology to help meet the new challenges of Smart Industry, you just have to fill in the form and we will let you know about future calls.
If you are an industrial SME, tell us about your challenges and we will find the technological solutions to meet your needs best. Fill in this form and we will be in touch.
BIND SME is one of the three initiatives within the BIND Platform
Since 2016, BIND has been the public-private platform of international reference, promoted by the Basque Government through the Spri Group and its platform Up!Euskadi, to support the transformation of industry and increase its competitiveness through startups with cutting-edge technological solutions.
The open innovation platform ensures the development of innovative projects in companies, with the groundbreaking technologies of startups. In addition, it offers advice and training to enhance the benefits of open innovation and the growth of startups with real projects and reference customers.
BIND has 3 initiatives to innovate and respond to new technological challenges.
- BIND Corporate: Acceleration and open innovation initiative for large companies and startups.
- BIND SME: Initiative of technological challenges of open innovation for SMEs and startups. +info
- BIND GovTech: Open Innovation technology challenge initiative for public companies and startups.

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