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Cleaner energy
One of the areas of smart specialisation identified in the RIS 3 Strategy and PCTI 2030 of the Basque Country, which is implemented through the Energibasque industrial technological development strategy

Cleaner energy, EnergiBasque

The strategy’s mission is to support the consolidation of a competitive network of companies and scientific-technological agents within the energy sector, which will contribute to the smart specialisation of the Basque economy and become a source of wealth, employment and quality of life for the Basque Country.

EnergiBasque’s mission is to boost the competitiveness of companies in the energy sector in global markets through technological innovation, based on the Basque Country’s smart specialisation policies and with the support of the agents of the Basque science and technology network, whereas its vision is to make the Basque Country a benchmark territory in Europe for the development of industrial and technological initiatives in the prioritised energy fields, in such a way that they contribute decisively to the generation of wealth, employment and quality of life.

Download the EnergiBasque Strategy summary here

“Take advantage of new business opportunities in the energy markets, the pull effect of leading companies and technological innovations”


Basque energy sector figures

0 M€

Global Turnover

0 M€

24% in the Basque Country


Global employees


27% in the Basque Country

0 M€

In global R&D activity

+ 0 M€

58% in the Basque Country

What it offers you

To this end, three global objectives are proposed:

Attraction and involvement of leading companies in the global markets

To exert a pull effect along value chains, by setting technological challenges and strategic initiatives to improve the competitive positioning of supplier companies

Support for entrepreneurial and technological activities

With the aim of taking advantage of new business opportunities in the energy markets, based on the competitive advantages of the industrial fabric and the areas of specialisation of the scientific-technological agents

Promoting the application and integration of key cross-cutting technologies

For the development of value-added solutions in the prioritised energy areas and challenges

How it works

The EnergiBasque strategy identifies eight strategic areas (value chains) and five enabling technologies

8 strategic areas

They are based on traditional or emerging value chains in the sector.

Promotion of projects and initiatives supporting companies that develop generation systems and components for this emerging market, especially using the bimep infrastructure as a testing and technology development area.

Support in the development of a globally competitive offer in the different segments of the wind value chain, both in wind turbine systems and components as well as in equipment and services associated with the wind farm.

Promotion of the development of equipment, components and services that meet the demanding technical and economic requirements of the offshore wind market

Facilities in the digitisation of the various systems and components comprising a wind farm, so that data management and analysis becomes a source of competitive advantages for companies in the value chain.

Promotion of the development of a competitive supply of systems and components for utility scale and distributed generation plants.

Support in the development of new solutions, equipment and components by Basque companies in the different areas of hydrogen vector development: generation, transportation, distribution, storage and final applications.

Cooperation in the development of unique initiatives and projects that allow companies to take advantage of the new opportunities of the hydrogen economy, based on the competitive advantages of the Basque industrial fabric and the existing knowledge of scientific-technological agents.

Support for initiatives both to increase the added value of their product and service offerings and to address new business opportunities.

Positioning of companies before potential reference customers (end users and engineering companies) to identify opportunities and give visibility to their capabilities and potential.

Reinforcement of the good positioning of Basque companies in the Smart Grids market through collaborative projects and initiatives that allow them to address new business opportunities linked to the digitisation of the grid.

Support in the development of new business models based on the development of applications and the offer of services that make an efficient and profitable use of the enormous amount of data from devices at different levels of the electricity grid.

Guidance and promotion in the development of an offer of products and services to consumers in energy and mobility, which allow them to take advantage of the increase in self-consumption and the application of “behind the meter” technologies.

It favours greater energy efficiency in the segments with the highest consumption within the Basque business fabric or with the greatest potential for reduced consumption and/or costs.

Promotion of demonstration initiatives that integrate electric vehicle charging systems, renewable energies (especially photovoltaic) and storage, in order to demonstrate the capabilities of Basque companies.

Support in the development of an innovative and differential offer in equipment and infrastructures linked to the ultra-fast charging of electric vehicles and the control and management of their integration into the electricity grid.

5 enabling technologies

Areas of knowledge both specific to the energy sector and other related sectors that facilitate the development of traditional value chains.

Ecodesign, product life cycle analysis and second use of batteries.

The storage KET has its own core technology lines as well as the developments necessary for the advancement of the other strategic areas.


KET applies to all energy areas, although the necessary developments are specific in nature: coupling between electrolysers and renewable energy plants, high power conversion equipment...

Two areas: materials for hostile environments and materials for heat transportation and storage.

Sensoring and monitoring, data management, cybersecurity, simulation and prediction tools.

Who it is for

For companies that want to improve their competitiveness in a context of energy-climate transition

  • For energy operators
  • Manufacturers and service companies for the energy industry
  • And equipment and component manufacturers

EnergiBasque is one of the areas of smart specialisation that is part of the RIS 3 Strategy and the Basque Country’s 2030 Science, Technology and Innovation Plan.

It is developed through a public-private collaboration scheme, under the supervision and coordination of the RIS3 Energy Steering Group coordinated by the SPRI Group.

And it is part of the European Green Deal, the European Climate Pact. At the Paris Climate Summit, nearly 200 countries agreed to move towards a zero-emissions scenario by 2050, adhering to the energy transition.

Its mission is to make the Basque Country a benchmark territory in Europe in the development of industrial and technological initiatives in the main energy fields, so that the transition generates wealth, employment and quality of life.

// Advantages

5 reasons to be part of the energy transition

  • You will have access to innovative technologies to improve the products you are already developing.
  • You will obtain a highly positive impact on your production processes thanks to the use of renewable energies.
  • You will be able to access R&D aid programs such as Hazitek and Elkartek.
  • You will be able to participate in strategic initiatives such as the Basque Hydrogen Corridor or Mubil, a reference centre in electric mobility, among others.
  • And be an active part of pilot and demonstrator projects.
imagen logo energy basque
Frequently Asked Questions

Solve your doubts

Currently, this is the aid we offer in the field of Smart Industry:

This is the Basque energy sector’s industrial technological development strategy. The strategy’s mission is to support the consolidation of a competitive network of companies and scientific-technological agents within the energy sector, which will contribute to the smart specialisation of the Basque economy and become a source of wealth, employment and quality of life for the Basque Country.

The Energibasque strategy identifies eight strategic areas or priority value chains:

Wave energy

  1. Wind
  2. Solar/Photovoltaic
  3. Hydrogen
  4. Oil&Gas
  5. Electricity grids
  6. Energy efficiency
  7. Electric mobility

Enabling technologies are areas of knowledge both specific to the energy sector and other related sectors that facilitate the development of traditional value chains. They are present in the technological lines, cross-cutting actions and initiatives and facilitate the orientation of companies towards new business opportunities, especially in the case of SMEs. Their development usually involves the generation of knowledge outside the traditional scope of companies. The Strategy identifies 5 enabling technologies:

  1. Circular Economy
  2. Storage
  3. Power Electronics
  4. Materials
  5. Digitisation

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Call us at: 900 929 393

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