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Research, development and innovation

R&D&I to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable, digital and social industry

We endeavour to help Basque companies improve the quality of their R&D&I and increase the number of companies that incorporate R&D&I in their strategies, leading the promotion of the Basque research, development and innovation system in global, digital and sustainable value networks.

The 2030 Science, Technology and Innovation Plan is our tool devised in order to face Basque enterprise’s biggest challenges.

Its ultimate purpose is to improve the standard of living and the quality of employment in the Basque society, through an innovation policy that will place the Basque Country among the most advanced European regions by 2030.

A plan that covers a triple transition: the technological-digital, energy-climate, and social and health fields, as a consequence of the impact of global megatrends in the Basque Country.

It also proposes a research and innovation policy based on RIS3Euskadi smart specialisation and the interaction between: business capabilities, scientific and technological capabilities, and market opportunities.

The strategy

We are working on 3 strategic priorities, 4 areas of opportunity and the development of cross-cutting tractor initiatives

Science, technology and innovation are our instruments for solving the main challenges we face and guaranteeing balanced and sustainable economic and social development in the Basque Country.

3 strategic priorities

Smart Industry

Enables improvement to the enterprise's competitive position within the international industrial sector, in order to face the new challenges related to digital transformation and the efficient use of material and energy resources.

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Cleaner energy

Strategy that boosts the competitiveness of companies in the energy sector in global markets through technological innovation.

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Health and socio-health transition

For Basque companies to develop and export new advances and solutions to health challenges. In short, R&D&I in the health sector should generate knowledge and the results should lead to better healthcare for the population.

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4 areas of opportunity

Healthy food


Sustainable Cities

Euskadi Creativa

And the development of transversal trailblazing initiatives:

An instrument that promotes collaborative work in specific strategic areas.

The challenges

We take on challenges to improve the quality of R&D&I and its insertion in value networks

For expanding the Basque network and improving the quality of R&D&I:


Align R&D&I support instruments to the development of RIS3 areas and the digital and sustainable transitions and serving as a nexus in the development of different policies that require science, technology and innovation (energy, environment, health, education...) for their development.


Evolve and strengthen the current R&D&I support instruments.

Evolve and strengthen the management of support programs. Take advantage of the potential of Basque and international trailblazing companies to measure the impact of R&D&I support.


Complement support for R&D&I with new mechanisms.

Support the updating and renewal of equipment in the Basque Science and Technology Network with capital subsidies for scientific-technological infrastructures and equipment.

Promote Innovative Public Procurement processes in administration that allow Basque companies to access new ways of promoting R&D&I.

For promoting the insertion of the Basque R&D&I system in global, digital and sustainable value networks:


Take advantage of the positioning of international initiatives and implement the Basque Strategy for the Internationalisation of R&D&I.


Accelerate the incorporation of advanced, digital and sustainable technological solutions in companies, especially SMEs.


Mobilise companies, especially SMEs, towards innovation dynamics that also incorporate digitalisation and environmental sustainability.


Promote, among others, collaborative approaches to data sharing in the business environment aligned with international standards that allow basic AI positioning.

The scientific ecosystem of the Basque Country

We seek to strengthen the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network, key to social welfare and economic wealth.

The RVCTI, set up in 1997, has played a key role in the competitive improvement of companies and in the creation of social and economic welfare and wealth.

The sustained support of the Basque Government has helped to consolidate a scientific and technological infrastructure aimed at working in a complementary and coordinated network, from a market and customer proximity perspective that has placed the Basque Country in the European Union’s group of innovative regions.

The Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network is made up of different types of agents:

Singular Agents are agents that emerged through the Basque Government’s initiative to assist it in the design, implementation and promotion of new science, technology and innovation policies; for example, by attracting talent or promoting non-technological innovation.

The University Research Structures are the Centres, Departments, sections, research groups, centres attached to the universities of the Basque University System (SUV), or other structures dependent on universities whose fundamental function is the generation of scientific knowledge, although they also carry out activities along the entire R&D&I value chain.

The Basic and Excellence Research Centres are basic and excellence research entities that develop their activities in areas of scientific interest for the Basque Country.

Science, Technology and Innovation Dissemination Agents are entities whose main function is to promote both the dissemination of knowledge to society and the transfer of knowledge between agents of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation System.

Health Research Centres (CIS) are research and innovation entities that have their core in one or more healthcare organisations, whose main function is to conduct translational research.

Health R&D Organisations are entities focused on health research (biomedical, epidemiological, public health and/or health services) and innovation, promotion and management.

Technology Centres are research entities that fundamentally generate, develop and transfer technology to the Basque Autonomous Community business network. The Technological Centres can be classified as follows:

  1. Multi-focused Technology Centres.
    Multi-focused Technology Centres develop their R&D activities in various technologies and in different economic or business sectors.
  2. Sectoral Technology Centres.
    Sectoral Technology Centres develop their R&D activities focused on a specific economic or business sector.

Cooperative Research Centres, CICs, are research entities that develop collaborative and excellence research in a strategic, scientific and technological field for the Basque Autonomous Community.

Business R&D Units are research entities focused mainly on experimental development and oriented to satisfy the R&D needs of the companies that own them.

Supply-demand intermediation agents are entities that perform intermediation tasks between technology supply and business technology demand (especially from SMEs) along the entire R&D value chain.

Become an agent of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network

And be part of a reference network in Europe

Meet the agents who are part of the network

You may have projects in common

We participate in the great alliance to boost the technological ecosystem of the Basque Country

Basque Research
& Technology Alliance

BRTA was created to meet the industrial challenges of the Basque Country and to compete with large international leading corporations in technology research and development. This great alliance will be the spearhead of Basque research in Europe and the rest of the world, and the Spri Group is an active part of it.

Basque Research and Technology Alliance was established through a collaboration agreement between 16 technology centres and cooperative research centres belonging to the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network, the Basque Government, the Provincial Councils of Alava, Biscay and Gipuzkoa and the SPRI Group.

M €
annual investment
scientific publications per year
patents per year
International positioning

We lead networks that allow us to position ourselves as a relevant competitive pole, both in Europe and internationally

Internationalisation of Basque R&D+i, in order to anticipate and generate opportunities

The new strategy for the Internationalisation of R&D&I 2021-2030 is based on the excellent results obtained: the excellence of the proposals submitted, the success rates above the European average, the increase in the participation of our companies and the volume of funding obtained.

We are one of the most highly regarded regions and an active partner for Europe:

The Spri Group leads the Basque consortium of the Enterprise Europe Network, promoted by the European Commission, which provides SMEs with advice and business opportunities in the European Union, with regard to the processes of technology transfer and access to European R&D&I financing programs.

We are part of the European network of "Digital Innovation Hubs". The purpose of DIHs is to improve business, production processes, products and services through digital technology

We are part of the Innovation Community within the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), which connects European leaders to create differential value in their products, services and processes, in order to maintain Europe as a leader in industrial innovation.

Committed to the S4, the regional economic transformation agenda to become a benchmark region in Europe in economy that is sustainable, digital and committed to the territory and people.

The Basque Country is participating in the Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing pilot projects for energy-related applications in harsh environments.

The Vanguard Initiative brings together 39 European industrial regions that want to promote industrial innovation and build value chains at the European level based on the synergies of their smart specialisation strategies and the principle of interregional cooperation.

The Basque Country is participating in the Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing pilot projects for energy-related applications in harsh environments.

The Vanguard Initiative brings together 39 European industrial regions that want to promote industrial innovation and build value chains at the European level based on the synergies of their smart specialisation strategies and the principle of interregional cooperation.

The Spri Group leads the “Women in Manufacturing” expert group promoted by the World Manufacturing Foundation, an open platform that aims to improve and disseminate industrial culture worldwide as a means of ensuring economic equity and sustainable development. Within this framework, the Basque Country promotes measures to facilitate women’s access, permanence, promotion and leadership in the industry.

What we offer

We offer support, services and instruments for you to develop high added value products or for you to launch business initiatives in the field of R&D&I


You are part of RVCT and want to improve and market your results and capabilities.


You are working on fundamental research, or industrial or experimental development activities for the generation and development of proprietary technology.


Do you need new equipment or infrastructure, or do you need to improve your current elements in order for your R&D&I to deliver valuable results?


If you develop products that are original or superior to the existing ones.


You participate in industrial research and experimental development projects in strategic sectors.


You want to implement intelligent production technology and improve connectivity between your systems and industrial machinery.


You are looking to improve your production process by incorporating digital technology and you want to test them first.


Would you be interested in being able to deduct activities of your R&D&I project from corporate income tax with greater legal certainty?

For whom it is

For Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network Agents

  • If you want to be part of a reference network in Europe and want to be certified.
  • Meet other agents and see what projects you have in common.
  • If you are working from a market and customer proximity perspective.

For Basque companies

  • If you want to invest in the research and development of new products
  • You are developing a product that is original or superior to what you had so far.
  • You use your own intellectual property rights or rights acquired through exclusive licences.
  • You experiment with new materials.
  • You collaborate in the provision of services such as testing, approvals and certifications.
  • Or manage your day-to-day life differently.

At Spri Group, we work to facilitate
your R&D&I for Basque companies


We design support programs to promote your innovative project

Do you know all that the Basque R&D&I Strategy can offer your company? If you are a research and sustainable industrial development specialist, we have a lot to offer you.