Taldeki Biosolutions will be developing sensors for rapid, cost-effective, robust antibody detection, thus overcoming the stability and cost problems of current in vitro diagnostics
Programa honen helburua da ikertzaile profesionalak tokiko erakundeetan sar daitezen erraztea
Talent, internationalisation, energy-environmental and technology-digital transitions. SME Week 2023. Exhibition and stands at the BEC: “Rebuild Ukraine”.
An order intake for a sum of more than €70 million is one of the most significant deals in the umbilicals market. Solidifying TUBACEX’s technological position as a supplier of advanced industrial solutions for energy and mobility sectors.
'Cleaner energies' is one of the areas of smart specialisation part of the Basque Country's RIS 3 Strategy and PCTI 2030.
Columbus VP, a venture capital investment management company with a singular focus on business opportunities emerging in the biotechnology and life sciences sector.
Cristina Oyón has led the international group of experts that has drafted the report that will be disclosed on October 20th and 21st at the World Manufacturing Forum, which can be followed online for free upon registration
Tapia highlights that, once Harvard advances with the vaccine, the Basque Country is ready to take on this opportunity that represents a unique health, social and business advance
AseBio brings together more than 730 companies that employ almost 100,000 people and invest more than € 400 million in R&D
in 2021 VIVEbiotech will be able to produce lentiviral vectors for advanced clinical trials
LENTISOMA is a new generation lentiviral vector whose most outstanding feature is related to the fact that it is not inserted into the genome of cells.
With the new investment fund, the managers plan to build two new plants in San Sebastian
El grupo ha anunciado la adquisición de un horno quemador con capacidad para fundir distintos tipos de chatarra
COMA project, funded by The Basque Government's program HAZITEK, aims to develop a new supply of industrial services