SPRI Group

Connected so that our support and initiatives have an impact on your business and you can anticipate transformations

SPRI Group’s Manifesto

We work with you side by side and propose tools that will maximise your efficiency. We offer you products and solutions that will revolutionise your company, always using innovation and sustainability as the foundation of all work. We are always ready to advise you on market opportunities and state-of-the-art digital transformation.

Our bets are on you. We support you with financial backing to increase your production, automate processes, invest in your facilities or incorporate changes in your management and business model. Let us give you a hand to strengthen your network of contacts and customers. We listen to you to get to know your approach and we talk about you, your achievements and your challenges.

You can count on us, like you have been doing for 40 years.


We are SPRI Group

The entity of the Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment Department of the Basque Government for promoting the Basque industry.

We work with companies just like yours to facilitate access to digitalisation, cybersecurity, and even to help set up your company. We help you look at the best way of expanding your business in other countries or to look for physical spaces, pavilions or offices where you can set up your company. We have resources to face any challenge and a global vision that helps to lead the way. Here you have expert help and the guarantee that we will turn your company around.

Strategic framework

The general framework for SPRI’s 2021 Management Plan is the Programme for Economic Recovery and Employment in the Basque Country (2020-2024), BERPIZTU, and the plans defined from it. The programme is structured in two vertical axes: a first axis of economic reactivation and a second axis of employment dynamisation. Its axes, in turn, are deployed in 12 action policies, which are the reference framework for different measures and instruments for the recovery and stimulation of the economy and employment, to be implemented until 2024.  It also includes a third transversal axis: Quality of employment and gender equality.

BERPIZTU, in addition to being a reconstruction programme integrated in a Global Country Strategy (“Sustainable Human Development”), contributes to achieving the United Nations “2030 Sustainable Development Goals” and the Basque Country 2030 Agenda. It is also aligned with the European Fund “Next Generation EU”.


“To support, promote and contribute to the competitive improvement of Basque companies, contributing to the generation of wealth in the Basque Country and to the improvement its citizens’ welfare through sustainable human development, within the scope of the Basque Government's Economic Promotion Policy.”


“To be the benchmark in activities that contribute to the economic promotion and improvement of the competitiveness of Basque companies.”


Proximity Being accessible and offering personalised treatment to each company requesting our services.

Integrity Applying the SPRI Code of Ethics to all our activities.

Transparency The obligation to faithfully account for all our actions both internally and externally.

Innovation Continuous improvement to adapt to new needs.

Social commitment Commitment to carry out our activities with the greatest attainable social benefit in mind and with the best use of resources.

Discover the industrial transformation
of the Basque Country in the last decades

Basque Industry Policy

From industrial reconversion to smart specialization

If you want to know more about the help and services for each area, click here

Grants, initiatives and a comprehensive business agenda to make sure you are up to date and to pursue your projects

Are you seeking financial support for your company's projects?

Do you want to connect and collaborate with other organisations in your area for entrepreneurship or innovation?

Do you need advice because your goal is, for example, the internationalisation of your products and services?

Are you after information or training to meet the current – and future – challenges of the market? Our lifeblood is to strengthen the Basque business fabric.

We have grants, strategic initiatives and a comprehensive training programme in areas such as innovation, sustainability, digitalisation, entrepreneurship and internationalisation for you, whether you are an SME, an entrepreneur or a large company.

Programs, funding, and investments

Access funding, grants, and support programs that will strengthen your business, enabling you to develop innovative projects and expand your operations. You will invest in sustainable growth and compete with an advantage in an increasingly demanding market.

Expert Advice

Join initiatives that help you identify challenges and opportunities for local and/or international investment or development, optimize your processes by streamlining your company’s digital transformation, participate in collaborative networks with other SMEs or startups and ultimately have the essential guidance you need for your projects to reach their full potential.

Promotional Spaces for Businesses

If you want to make your company more visible, highlight your products and services, and reach new audiences, we will talk about your business. Connect your company with potential clients, partners, and collaborators to unlock new business opportunities.

Networking and Business Cooperation

Connect with strategic allies through our networks and platforms for business collaboration. Gain access to grants aimed at creating joint projects that foster the growth and competitiveness of Basque businesses.

Trends and Strategic Vision

Stay at the forefront of areas such as decarbonization, smart industry, cybersecurity… Participate in conferences and initiatives that provide up-to-date information and strategic insights to help you identify opportunities and adapt your business strategies.

Agenda, Training, and Learning

The best professionals, expert speakers, thematic sessions, industrial events, and courses that are so practical that you will apply what you learn in the morning to your project in the afternoon, are available in the Basque company agenda.

Sign up and join a network that shares your same concerns. Find out about our schedule of events and training sessions for you and Basque companies in: Digital Transformation | Cybersecurity | Internationalization | R&D&I | Entrepreneurship | Equality | Innovation | Artificial intelligence

The agenda contains key theoretical knowledge, fast-track courses, successful companies, inspiring success stories, expert sessions, mentoring, B2B and networking.

The emphasis is always on active listening; just let us know if you can't find what you are looking for.

While you are browsing, you will come across forms to contact us easily. Let us know what you need, what you think or what we could do better.

We are here for you, ready to help and appreciate that you put your trust in us.

From our specialised companies and initiatives

01_ Spri Business Development Agency

Aid and instruments to promote Basque companies.

02_ Basque Trade & Investment

Basque Trade & Investment (Agencia Vasca de Internacionalización) integrates all technical and financial support, has a network of more than 16 of its own offices and is present in more than 80 countries.

03_ Sprilur

Pavilions, industrial land, offices,
industrial buildings.


04_ Risk Capital Management of
the Basque Country

Financial support for SMEs, investment funds and financial advice.

05_ Business and Innovation
Centres (BICs)

Facilitators of the process of creating new innovative companies.

We are part of international work networks


Co-financed by: EU DG Enterprise

Goal: To offer information and advisory services on European business policies and opportunities, along with assistance on technology transfer processes and access to European R&D&I financing programmes.

The Basque EEN Hub comprises: SPRI (coordinator), BEAZ, Álava Chamber of Commerce, Bilbao Chamber of Commerce, Gipuzkoa Chamber of Commerce, INNOBASQUE.


The European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) is made up of a network of around 130 regional development agencies from across the European Union. SPRI is a member of the Association's Board of Directors.

Goals: To disseminate and discuss EU policies and funding instruments. Be in direct communication with the European Commission in regional policy making. Facilitate the sharing of good practices among its members and collaboration in transnational projects.


The Spanish Association of Development Agencies is a network consisting of the business promotion agencies of the Autonomous Communities. Its remit includes think-tanks, news services, studies, sharing experiences and joint initiatives. The association also coordinates the Ibero-American Group of Development Agencies.


Founded in 1998, TCI-Network is the leading global network of organisations and professionals in the field of competitiveness and clusters; its members include development agencies, government departments, cluster organisations, academic institutions, companies and multilateral organisations, which collaborate in a unique open, flexible and practical context to be competitive, innovate and develop clusters in over 110 countries.

SPRI actively contributes to the TCI-Network, taking part in expert working groups, mentoring programmes, learning encounters, and projects such as the European CLUSTERS3, initiative, headed by SPRI.


Set up in 2002 with the support of EUSKALIT, Q-epea is currently made up of 28 Basque public organisations from all areas (administration and public companies), committed to the search of excellence in management with a two-fold objective: to advance in improving the management of its organisations by means of shared learning, and to drive that improvement in the Basque Public Sector.

SPRI actively contributes in Q-epea, by participating in the different expert working groups: service charters, set of indicators, transparency (led by SPRI).


Public-private energy cooperation plan to enable joint decision-making regarding reducing energy costs and the energy efficiency measures to be implemented in business parks and industrial estates over a 3-year period.

The Sprilur Group, through Bizkaia Sortaldeako Industrialdea, in conjunction with Tecnalia, the Spanish Federation of Foundry Associations, along with the 68 companies on the Gizaburuaga and Artea industrial estates are jointly taking part in the European 'S-PARCS' ('Envisioning and Testing New Models of Sustainable Energy Cooperation and Services in Industrial Parks') project, which is part of the Horizon 2020 Programme.


SPRILUR is participating in III COPIT, driven by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism at national level. Its goal is focused on driving cooperation between the companies set up on Industrial Parks and in Technology Parks to foster interaction and boost possible lines of business, technology transfer, product, service, know-how, internationalisation and R&D&I projects.


The Association of Local Enterprises of General Interest (ELIGE) groups together municipally majority owned companies and other local authorities that provide services of general interest in any sector or field of action and throughout the Spanish state, with the aim of bolstering their common interests and fostering efficiency, efficiency, competitiveness and quality of service to the citizens in the place where they operate.

We actively participate in projects

Leveraging Cluster Policies for Successful Implementation of RIS3.
Cofinanciado por: INTERREG EUROPE

To share experiences among the participating regions regarding the policies to support and promote clusters and their coordination with other competitiveness programmes and policies in the framework of the smart specialisation strategies (RIS3). The 4-year project will be rolled out in two phases. A first phase of sharing experiences between the partners, reviewing good practices and preparing expert recommendations. And a second phase to deploy the improvements in policies based on what has been learned in the previous phase.

SPRI–Basque Government, Tecnalia, TCI-Network and authorities managing support programmes: Lubelskie Voivodeship (Poland), Regione Piemonte (Italy), Hajdú-Bihar County (Hungry), Highlands and Islands Enterprise (Scotland) ad Invest in Northern Ireland (United Kingdom) and Latvijas Ekonomikas Ministrija (Latvia).

I want to know more

Sustainable SMES by means of Enterprise Europe Network. Increase environmental performance and sustainability of SMEs in a set of sensitive sectors (production and processing of metals, food industry, manufacturing of electronic/electric equipment, waste management chemical industry). Offer and testing of environmental value added services for awareness and implementation of environmental friendly behaviours.

Chambre de Commerce et D'industrie de la Région Provence - Alpes - Cote d'Azur, Méditerranée Technologies, Unioncamere Liguria, Unioncamere Piemonte, Confindustria Piemonte, Northern Transylvania, Agentia de Dezvoltare Regionala Nord-Vest Romania, Sociedad para la Transformación Competitiva - Eraldaketa Lehiakorrerako Sozietatea, S.A. (SPRI), Business Region Goteborg.

Quiero saber más

Competitive Watch for RDAs.
Co-financed by: European Social Fund

To develop and implement a collaborative competitive watch system among the participating development agencies (RDAs)

Partners: Instituto Galego de Promoción Económica (IGAPE), Agencia de Desarrollo Regional de París. Val de Marne, Agencia de Inversiones y Servicios - ( ADE) Castilla y León, Instituto de Desarrollo Económico del Principado de Asturias (IDEPA), Sociedad para el Desarrollo Regional de Cantabria (SODERCAN), Sociedad para la Transformación Competitiva (SPRI), Unión de Asociaciones Empresariales de la Región Norte Portugal (UERN).

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Towards Regional Specialisation & Smart Growth.
Co-financed by: INTERREG IV C

To share experiences among the participating regions as regards the development and improvement of smart strategies for regional growth based on specialisation and innovation.

Tecnalia, Baltic Institute of Finland, Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (ADR-BI), Lubelskie Voivodeship, Pannon Business Network Association (PBN), Piedmont Regio, Scottish Enterprise, SPRI - Sociedad para la Transformación Competitiva, Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation, Valga County Government.

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Managing the Industrial Territory in the Knowledge Era.
Co-financed by: INTERREG IV C

To share experiences and good management practices of business areas and industrial parks (BAIPS). New strategies and formulas to make the quality of life, environmental and business lure of the BAIPS more attractive and bolster their contribution to innovation and local and regional development.

SPRILUR S.A, TECNALIA Research & Innovation, Pannon Business Network Association, Rzeszow Regional Development Agency, Lubelskie Voivodeship, Timisoara Development Agency, SOPRIP Parma, Shannon Free Airport Development Company, The Gaeltacht Authority, INCASOL - Catalan Land Institute.

I want to know more

Co-financed by: EU DG Enterprise.

To establish a network of intermediary organisations and test a transnational exchange service and which offers new entrepreneurs and people intending to set up a company the opportunity to learn from experienced entrepreneurs who run small companies in other participating countries.

Participants in the call:
BW ENTMOBNET: SPRI, Coventry University Enterprises Limited, Amurrio Bidean, S.A.U., B.B.K. GAZTE LANBIDEAN FUNDAZIOA, BEAZ, BIC BERRILAN, Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Bilbao, Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Gipuzkoa, Cámara Oficial de Comercio y Industria de Alava, CEDEMI, CEI SAIOLAN, CEIA, DEBA BEHEKO GARAPEN EKONOMIKORAKO ELKARTEA, EKINBIDE, INGURALDE , Lan Ekintza-Bilbao, S.A., Oarsoaldea, S.A.

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European Union Regions Benchmarking, Economic Strategy and Transfer.
Co-financed by: INTERREG IIIC

Comparative assessment of policies and instruments to support companies (companies, innovation, clusters, information society, entrepreneurship, internationalisation, regional marketing, etc.). Qualitative and quantitative analysis to pinpoint good practices. Knowledge dissemination and transfer Headed by AWM (West Midlands), in conjunction with SPRI based on a 3-year pilot scheme underway in EURADA

A network of 23 members representing regional bodies of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Czechia and Lithuania.

I want to know more

Initiatives for promoting the use of the Basque language in the industrial field

Promoting the Basque language within the Basque industry

More and more of us are paving the way for the Basque language in the Basque industry, and within the SPRI Group too. We would like you to join us on this journey by submitting your projects, applications or initiatives in Basque.

Zatoz gurekin, euskararen bidetik!


And we have a Basque business support service

to facilitate the search for grants, guide you on your challenge, or to put you in contact with specialised consultants.

Contact us

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