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Boletín de demanda y oferta tecnológica - Selección semanal | Eskaintza eta eskaera teknologiaren buletina - Asteko aukeraketa
Generic rotational 3D scanning platform utilising a patented mechanical design for continuous and multiple 360-degree scans of a subject seeks a commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Demanda:  TRGB20240610010

UK SME focused on IT and hi-tech innovation projects. The company have mechanical and electrical design skills along with strong software development skills. The business seeks a commercial agreement to leverage combined expertise and resources to further develop, enhance, and efficiently manufacture their 3D Rotational Scanning Platform, ultimately aiming to accelerate product innovation into the markets. Leer más [+]
Deposition and fabrication of thin metal patterns on low roughness 3D micro-objects: supplier sought
Demanda:  TRFR20240611023

A French and American university spin-off which develops revolutionary autonomous, wireless, and battery-free microsystems for a more sustainable future is developing a phygital material, a multipurpose technology based on the collaboration of autonomous micro-robots to generate interactive "phygital" forms. The company is seeking an industrializable technology to manufacture low-roughness 3D quasi-sphere shells for the microrobots and coat them with thin electrode patterns. Leer más [+]
Austrian company looking for partner to jointly develop AI enhanced smart office devices for workflow automation in physical meetings
Demanda:  TRAT20240612009

The Austrian company is specialized in developing and operating local AI solutions. They are now aiming to enhance office productivity through automated workflows and real-time information retrieval during meetings by developing AI enhanced office devices. They are looking for partners skilled in manufacturing smart office devices like microphones or speakers, to jointly develop and integrate AI capabilities into their products under a technological collaboration agreement. Leer más [+]
A Cybersecurity consultancy company offers under commercial agreements with technical assistance a technology to protect users and platforms in real time from any cyber attack.
Oferta:  TOIT20240610012

An Italian company offers an innovative technology whose objective is to protect the user and the platform from any cyber attack in real time. It provides the first application that guarantees the identity of users who interact with any application. For each operation carried out by a user, the application saves a series of information so that an operator can reconstruct all the activities carried out by that particular user during the session. Leer más [+]
German biotech company developed a patented process to transform CO2 emissions into biodegradable polymers that can be used to manufacture sustainable plastic products
Oferta:  TODE20240610022

The innovative German biotech company developed a fermentation process to convert industrial carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) into valuable natural biopoymers that can be used to manufacture products from biodegradable plastics. In this way, the company contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions and plastic pollution. They seek partnerships with companies that wish to develop products from bioplastics. Leer más [+]
Italian company has developed a revolutionary cable crane for applications in forestry and construction
Oferta:  TOIT20240611009

HULK is world’s first hybrid self-propelled carriage (cable crane) for applications in forestry and construction. Due to its innovative and patented hybrid drivetrain and propulsion concepts, it vastly outperforms all existing carriages in terms of speed, power, and efficiency. This makes it the ideal transport solution even in the toughest terrains and applications, irrespective of cableway length, slope, or other transport conditions. Leer más [+]
A suite of lightweight AI algorithms for real-time image denoising and restoration, countering adverse weather and conditions to enhance object detection in rescue missions for first responders
Oferta:  TOIT20240611016

An Italian ICT company has led the exploitation of lightweight AI algorithms for real-time denoising and image restoration, countering adverse weather and environmental conditions. This technology enhances object detection for first responders during rescue missions. The company seeks investors to support further development. This technology stems from an EU project on DRS-02-Technologies for first responders. Leer más [+]
A company offers a technology for the valorization of natural extracts from the marine environment
Oferta:  TOIT20240607015

This Italian company has developed engineering processes to obtain chitosan (from crustacean exoskeletons) and sodium alginate (from algae). The processeses are based on an innovative microwave-assisted extraction by using a fluidized bed to optimize exposure of subject material. The technology allows for higher yields and fewer extractive components compared to traditional chemical processes. The resulting natural extracts is suitable for a range of applications in various fields. Leer más [+]

Deep Dive BDIH – Ciberseguridad

03/07/2024 Evento Presencial 09:00 - 14:00 | Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Astondo Bidea, Edificio 700, 48160 Derio, Biscay

La sesión está dirigida tanto a empresas que desarrollan su propio producto (dispositivos embebidos, sistemas de control, aplicaciones software, plataformas digitales), como a empresas que incorporan elementos digitales en sus productos y/o servicios ofrecidos para que puedan conocer cómo hacerlo de una forma segura. Todo lo que vas a encontrar en esta jornada: Familiarizarte con los servicios ofrecidos por los laboratorios de ciberseguridad del BDIH. Presenciar demostraciones prácticas y casos de uso en los que aplicar las soluciones. En esta jornada se presentarán los ámbitos, servicios y activos del nodo, así como los casos y proyectos ya completados. Se presentarán aplicaciones y soluciones en diferentes sectores, a través de los casos de uso y de las demostraciones de los activos. Por último, se propondrán sesiones "hands on" en las que los asistentes tendrán la oportunidad de estar cerca del personal experto para trabajar directamente con los mismos, así como para contrastar sus necesidades individuales con los equipos técnicos.
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Convocatoria multilateral "Eureka Lightweighting 2024" para proyectos conjuntos de I+D

Abierto hasta el 25 de septiembre de 2024 Evento Online - | -

Los organismos nacionales de financiación (NFB) de Austria, Bélgica (Flandes y Valonia), Canadá, Chile, Estonia, Francia, Alemania, Israel, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Polonia, Portugal, Corea del Sur, Eslovaquia, España, Suiza y Turquía pueden apoyar a organizaciones que colaboren en proyectos internacionales de I+D en el campo del aligeramiento de materiales en esta convocatoria del Programa Eureka. Debe tratarse de proyectos colaborativos de investigación e innovación que den lugar a soluciones innovadoras y comercializables. Esta plataforma web proporciona información sobre la convocatoria y es un mercado virtual para buscar perfiles de empresas y oportunidades de cooperación en proyectos. La plataforma permite concertar reuniones B2B en cualquier momento (24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana).
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Green Energy Community

Abierto hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2023 Evento Online |

Green Energy Community es una plataforma online que tiene por objetivo permitir a las empresas e instituciones de investigación interesadas del sector energético presentar ideas de proyectos, encontrar socios de investigación, tecnológicos o empresariales y establecer colaboraciones. La comunidad permanecerá abierta hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2024.
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DOBLE BOLETÍN Basque Enterprise Europe Network

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Solicítala a Arturo Antón |

Informazio gehigarria eman diezazukegu astero argitaratzen ditugun lankidetza aukerei buruz.
Eskatu Arturo Antóni |

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