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Selección semanal de Oportunidades Comerciales en Europa

UK based SME is seeking partners with expertise in the manufacture of medical grade cardiac equipment through an outsourcing agreement.

Ref.: BRGB20240619004

A UK based SME have developed a product aimed at addressing a critical issue in postoperative cardiac tamponade. Their solution utilises cutting-edge technology to enable early diagnosis and intervention, reducing mortality rates and improving patient outcomes. The SME is seeking Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) with expertise in the manufacture of medical grade cardiac equipment through an outsourcing agreement. Leer más [+]

Turkish machine manufacturer is seeking distributors and representatives.

Ref.: BOTR20240624013

This company specializes in creating vertical panel saw machines for wood and composite. They also manufacture ordered machines and machine parts used for special purposes. The company is looking for customers who are looking for contract manufacturers. The partner can demand products to be produced in their own brand. Also, they can demand products to be produced in the company's brand. They can direct another order in their own market. They can give off an order that they get from a domestic tender. Leer más [+]

A Turkish company developing mental health solutions using brain wave analysis and AI technologies is seeking partnership opportunities with companies specializing in wearable technologies to design and test the functionality of their Earpods

Ref.: BOTR20240624011

This company is a biotechnology company located in Türkiye. The company aims to develop innovative biotechnological solutions and products and focuses especially on medical and biomedical research, diagnosis and treatment methods. Company contributes to the biotechnology sector with high quality research and development activities. Leer más [+]

Dutch company searching for business partners in the field of Energy efficiency

Ref.: BONL20240621011

This company is a data-driven, HVAC energy efficiency company that solves common A/C efficiency problems by protecting the cooling capacity with a uniquely designed graphene polymer fin coating. Energy savings can be achieved between 15 and 30%. With their treatment the cooling capacity is increased, and the energy costs of the cooling installations are significantly reduced. Leer más [+]

An EduTech company from Korea has developed a Global Distribution of Early Childhood Education Content is looking for distributors and potential partners

Ref.: BOKR20240624001

A South Korean Company makes use of its 10 years of experience in the distribution of early childhood education to develop interactive content that is paired with a structured curriculum for daycare facilities and kindergartens. The Company is looking for partners to work with on the localized co-development of their programs or to license their educational content and characters in order to grow globally. Additionally, they want to export their e-learning platforms and instructional resources. Leer más [+]

Polish thermal imaging software provider is looking for partners operating in the solar energy market

Ref.: BOPL20240607016

Since 2018 the Polish company has served as the key software provider for Teledyne-FLIR. The software includes features for editing, analyzing, processing and reporting of thermal images. The client would like to establish cooperation with partners interested in the client's latest software that allows a solar panel inspectors to automate documentation of their inspections without any integration or dedicated hardware. Leer más [+]

A German company specialized in semi-finished thermoplastics parts for industry is looking for distribution partners

Ref.: BODE20240611017

Since 1957 the German company is active in plastic processing for diverse industry sectors. Today they offer a wide variety of semi-finished products made of extruded thermoplastics as well as custom made manufacturing services. Well stablished in Germany, they now want to develop their international business. They are is looking for new business contacts abroad with the aim to find matching distribution partners. Leer más [+]

100 years old Japanese SMEs is looking for EU distributors for its high-tech optical instruments and microscopes

Ref.: BOJP20240618015

With over a century of experience, this Japanese SME has specialized in the research, development, and manufacture of a wide range of optical elements and instruments. The company is looking for distributors under a commercial agreement to present their latest high-tech microscopes within the EU market. Leer más [+]

DOBLE BOLETÍN Basque Enterprise Europe Network

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