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Selección semanal de Oportunidades Comerciales en Europa
Technologies sampling the interstitial fluid in skin
Demanda:  TRBE20240717022

A Belgian multinational active in the consumer goods is seeking technologies sampling the interstitial fluid in skin. The Belgian company is looking for collaboration with industrial partners or academia able to provide the required solution. The kind of expected collaboration is a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a licence agreement allowing the large account envisage discussions on the terms of the licence use Leer más [+]
In-line, real-time particle size distribution measurement
Demanda:  TRBE20240717024

A Belgian multinational active in the consumer goods is looking for an in-line, real-time particle size distribution measurement method or instrument enabling them to measure particle size distribution (PSD) in a manner that can be automated and integrated into a larger, high-throughput system. Industrial partners with an already available solution or patented solutions which exist and which are not yet in market are sought for licence agreement with the large account. Leer más [+]
Criteria tool designed for impact investors and philanthropists to identify, evaluate, monitor, coach and assess impact projects
Demanda:  TRCH20240722017

A Swiss foundation seeks impact analysts, sector experts, developers to design a criteria tool for identifying, evaluating, monitoring and supporting impact projects. Benefits sought: real-time analysis, personalized assessment, automated monitoring. Co-development of a complete and scalable solution with criteria logic and methodology allowing impact finance professionals to optimize their investments by maximizing social and environmental benefits while guaranteeing sustainable profitability. Leer más [+]
Research into technologies for recycling wood waste
Demanda:  TRFR20240722020

Instead of burning these pieces of scrap wood, the customer wants to use this raw material to transform it into fuel to make logs for burning in stoves or fireplaces. He doesn't have large quantities, but his wood is of good quality and not damp. It is stored in good conditions. He wants to integrate this new technology into his new industrial project to create a new business. This activity could also be shared with other companies in the area. Leer más [+]
A consulting and commercial agency based in Germany offers its services to facilitate business development, acting as a market gateway in predominantly water, wastewater and energy efficiency. They want to enter into a commercial or services agreement.
Oferta:  TODE20240610014

A consulting and commercial agency based in Southern Germany has its focus on water and net-zero technologies. With their creative business approaches they support small and medium-sized companies to deliver effective cooperation executions. With their more than 16 years experience in DACH and EU they have collaborated with a wide range of companies, from technology start-ups to SME´s and also large enterprises. They want to enter into a commercial or services agreement. Leer más [+]
Innovative environmental nanotechnology coatings for clean and healthy environment
Oferta:  TOCZ20240718008

An innovative Czech company focuses on nanotechnologies that improve life and the environment. The company offers functional coatings for both uses, e.g. for indoor and outdoor applications. Partners are sought for a commercial and distribution agreement with technical support. Leer más [+]
Belgian company proposes water and energy solutions that convert a broad range of wastewaters and organic waste to green energy, to blue water for reuse and to superior biofertilizer to replace chemical fertilizers at a very competitive ROI-rate.
Oferta:  TOBE20240717013

The company develops and applies the most sustainable climate positive and circular water and energy solutions mainly for industries using an unique set of models/biotechnology/expertise. they bio-convert a broad range of wastewaters and organic waste worldwide to green energy to replace fossil fuels, to blue water for reuse and to superior biofertilizer to replace chemical fertilizers. Leer más [+]
Biobased and biodegradable polymers tailored as a readily available replacement of conventional plastic to reduce the carbon footprint
Oferta:  TOCH20240717008

A Swiss cleantech start-up offers the development and production of biobased and biodegradable polymers for outdoor, fashion, sport, automotive and other plastic applications based on food side-stream bio-fillers. Material granules are elastic. The properties can be tuned through composition changes to tackle the microplastic pollution issue due to the biodegradability. Commercial agreement with developers, producers, manufacturers of polymer products looking for sustainable materials is sought. Leer más [+]

Convocatoria multilateral "Eureka Lightweighting 2024" para proyectos conjuntos de I+D

Abierto hasta el 25 de septiembre de 2024 Evento Online - | -

Los organismos nacionales de financiación (NFB) de Austria, Bélgica (Flandes y Valonia), Canadá, Chile, Estonia, Francia, Alemania, Israel, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Polonia, Portugal, Corea del Sur, Eslovaquia, España, Suiza y Turquía pueden apoyar a organizaciones que colaboren en proyectos internacionales de I+D en el campo del aligeramiento de materiales en esta convocatoria del Programa Eureka. Debe tratarse de proyectos colaborativos de investigación e innovación que den lugar a soluciones innovadoras y comercializables. Esta plataforma web proporciona información sobre la convocatoria y es un mercado virtual para buscar perfiles de empresas y oportunidades de cooperación en proyectos. La plataforma permite concertar reuniones B2B en cualquier momento (24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana).
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Farmaforum 2024 Brokerage Event

26 de septiembre de 2024 Evento Online y Presencial 10:00 - 18:00 | Madrid y online

La Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d, como coordinadora de la Enterprise Europe Network en Madrid, organiza la 10ª edición del Brokerage Event Internacional Farmaforum. El objetivo de este Brokerage Event, que se celebrará tanto online como presencialmente durante el Congreso en Madrid, es el intercambio de información entre posibles socios tecnológicos y de negocio de las industrias farmacéutica, cosmética y laboratorios.
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Green Energy Community

Abierto hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2024 Evento Online - | -

Green Energy Community es una plataforma online que tiene por objetivo permitir a las empresas e instituciones de investigación interesadas del sector energético presentar ideas de proyectos, encontrar socios de investigación, tecnológicos o empresariales y establecer colaboraciones. La comunidad permanecerá abierta hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2024.
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Plataforma de matchmaking para Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Call 2024

Abierto hasta el 25 de abril de 2025 Evento Online - | -

La convocatoria Driving Urban Transitions - DUT 2024 se abre el 2 de septiembre de 2024 y se cierra el 14 de noviembre de 2024. El objetivo de esta convocatoria es apoyar proyectos transnacionales de investigación y/o innovación que aborden retos urbanos para ayudar a las ciudades en su transición hacia una economía y un funcionamiento más sostenibles. La Enterprise Europe Network te invita a participar en la plataforma de matchmaking, en la que podrás: i) debatir y perfeccionar tus ideas de proyecto con socios potenciales y ii) establecer colaboraciones y unirte a consorcios
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DOBLE BOLETÍN Basque Enterprise Europe Network

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Solicítala a Arturo Antón


Informazio gehigarria eman diezazukegu astero argitaratzen ditugun lankidetza aukerei buruz.

Eskatu Arturo Antóni

%SENDER-INFO-SINGLELINE% Tel.: 900 929 393

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