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Selección semanal de Oportunidades Comerciales en Europa

A Romanian company seeks partnership for the supply and distribution of high-quality dental products

Ref.: BRRO20240704008

A Romanian company, specializing in the manufacture of artificial teeth, dental bridges, dentures, and other dental devices, is seeking business partners in the field of dentistry and dental technology. They are interested in suppliers of high-quality raw materials and distributors for new markets, as well as collaborations with dental laboratories and clinics for customized products and high-precision services. Leer más [+]

Romanian manufacturer of textile socks for different categories of activities seeks new international suppliers of textile, synthetic and technical fibres (i.e. cotton, bamboo, Tencel, Coolmax, polyamide etc.) under supplier agreements

Ref.: BRRO20240425003

A Romanian company manufactures quality classical socks, as well as sewn socks for different activities, such as sports and trekking. Products are manufactured using cotton, bamboo and elastane fibres, based on the company’s original models. Wishing to expand its business and ensure a high quality of its products, the company seeks new international suppliers of textile, synthetic and technical fibres (i.e. cotton, bamboo, Tencel, Coolmax etc.). Cooperation will be based on supplier agreements. Leer más [+]

A Polish precision CNC machining and mold production seeking companies from the aerospace, automotive, and renewable energy sectors

Ref.: BOPL20240708007

A Polish company specializes in high-precision CNC machining and mold production, serving the aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, and renewable energy industries. Utilizing advanced 5-axis CNC technology, they produce custom models and molds based on client-provided 3D CAD documentation. The company's capabilities include handling large-scale projects with a commitment to quality and precision. Leer más [+]

MariMatch at SMM 2024

3 de septiembre de 2024, Alemania


Ind. Marítima

SMM is where the maritime and ship industry meets. Enterprise Europe Network invites all visitors to pre-arrange onsite meetings with potential cooperation- and business partners and directly meet each other on the fair.

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B2B matchmaking event Contact-Contract 2024 during MSV (International Engineering Fair)

8 de octubre de 2024, Rep. Checa


MSV’s spotlight is Industry 4.0 and Digital Factory, i.e. digitisation in production, one of the key trends of the innovation process. Other highlighted topics include the circular economy – management of material resources.

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DOBLE BOLETÍN Basque Enterprise Europe Network

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