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Selección semanal de Oportunidades Comerciales en Europa

Suppliers for OEM windshields / OEM car windows sought from German automotive glass service provider

Ref.: BRDE20240717017

German company is Europe’s one of the last independent vehicle glass distributor. It is looking for sources of supply for OEM windshields / OEM car windows (with logo) from all manufacturers, above all for the Stellantis group, under supplier agreements. Leer más [+]

Slovene start-up specialised in medical device for assessing driving ability is looking for international partners

Ref.: BOSI20240722011

The device described is a simulator-based screening tool. It simulates a highly researched driving environment and takes measurements of a patient’s behaviour along the way. It then provides a detailed description of their health in a fully digitized format that can of course be printed. Leer más [+]

A Korean company specialized in creating digital media arts content utilizing technologies such as Interactive sensor, AI, VR, and AR technology is looking for partners as government offices, universities, museums

Ref.: BOKR20240717001

The company has collaborated with local governments on approximately 100 and more digital media arts projects based in Korea. They implement global digital media arts through AI technology to national and public museums, exhibitions, and art galleries, and operate a platform that use media art content. Additionally, the company provides live sketching experiences and indoor exhibition tour services using AR technology. The Company is willing to cooperate with national and public museums. Leer más [+]

A Turkish waste recycling vending machines manufacturer is looking for partners

Ref.: BOTR20240718004

Glass, metal and plastic beverage packaging waste is accepted with the machine, which aims to collect waste at the source, and plastic and metal beverage waste is pressed and collected in separate chambers. The company aim to expand the sales of its products in the foreign market. The firm would like to come together with the system administrators operating in the sector and be included in the deposit system for that country. The company want to carry out projects with system stakeholders in countries where the deposit system is implemented or pilot studies are carried out. Leer más [+]

A firm specializing in blockchain solutions, focusing on Web 3.0 technologies offers its tools to the sharing economy, waste management, and digital product passport sectors

Ref.: BOPL20240717012

The company has new marketing opportunities through utility NFTs, offering unique brand experiences and verified product authenticity. By leveraging Blockchain, we ensure secure data management and transparent and decentralized applications. Leer más [+]

DOBLE BOLETÍN Basque Enterprise Europe Network

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