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Selección semanal de Oportunidades Comerciales en Europa

Turkish manufacturer of construction materials for solar power plant projects seeking trading partners

Ref.: BOTR20240919013

The company produces end products primarily for the renewable energy sector, as well as for the automotive, defense, and aviation industries. It manages all processes related to various steel and aluminum components, from raw materials to finished products.The company is offering project-based engineering solutions, Leer más [+]

Romanian manufacturer of thermic galvanized steel elements seeks sales agents

Ref.: BORO20240918023

An experienced Romanian manufacturer is specialized in thermic galvanized steel latticed structures such as gantries, pylons and catenary poles, typically used in the power transmission industries and railways. They have expanded their production capacity and seek commercial agents to help them into new markets. Leer más [+]

Swedish company looking for producers of trailer mounted access platforms

Ref.: BOSE20240821004

The company is the largest supplier of trailer mounted access platforms in Scandinavia. Started 2008 and have 17 employees. Company import machines from all over Europe on daily basis. The company are now looking for manufactures of trailer mounted access platforms in Europe. Leer más [+]


Business-to-Business Meetings at Floating Offshore Wind 2024, Aberdeen UK

9 de octubre de 2024, Reino Unido


Ref.: BOGR20240913018

Innovate UK Business Growth with Enterprise Europe Network colleagues from UK, Spain, France, Denmark & Finland are offering Floating Offshore Wind 2024 delegates the opportunity to highlight their company’s innovative solutions and set up short meetings at the event with potential strategic partners from across the supply chain.

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Health Portugal Brokerage Event 2024

14 de octubre de 2024, Portugal


Ref.: BOSK20240913008

The primary goal is to connect startups, SMEs, and technology developers, working on SmartHealth and eHealth technologies, with key players in the healthcare ecosystem, including healthcare providers, end-users, buyer representatives, and investors. It was designed to facilitate interactions that will propel the SmartHealth and eHealth solutions forward, foster strategic partnerships, and uncover new business opportunities.

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MEDICA Healthcare Brokerage Event 2024

11 de noviembre de 2024, Alemania


Ref.: BODE20240912021

A brokerage event for medical technology, electromedical equipment, laboratory equipment, diagnostics and pharmaceuticals. In addition to the brokerage event, the Enterprise Europe Network offers further thematic highlights on Digital Health and Data Security as well as the new work programme "HORIZON Europe 2025 - 2027".

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Meet at Sustainable Industry Week 2024

13 de noviembre de 2024, Alemania


A brokerage event for industry and research on sustainability topics and green and clean industry will be organised by the Enterprise Europe Network on 13 and 14 November 2024 at the Sustainable Industry Week in Cologne, Germany. The Sustainable Industry Week combines four exhibitions under one roof: Sustainable Materials, Sustainable Chemicals, Greener Manufacturing and the Plastic Waste Free World Conference & Expo. Participation is free of charge and on site in personal attendance only.

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Smart Factory & Robotics Business Mission to Japan 2025

21 de enero de 2025, Japón


EEN Japan is organizing its very first mission to Japan targeting EU companies and clusters operating in Smart Factory & Robotics sectors. The mission will provide the opportunity to a limited group of companies to exhibit during the 3-day Factory Innovation Week fair in Japan. Mission date: 21-24 January 2025 Application deadline: 30 October 2024

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Space Business Mission in Japan 2025

29 de enero de 2025, Japón


EEN Japan is organizing its very first Space Mission to Japan targeting EU SMEs and clusters operating in the space sectors. The mission will provide B2B meetings and the opportunity to exhibit during the International Space Industry Exhibition (ISIEX) in Tokyo, Japan. Mission date: 29-31 January 2025 Application deadline: 24 November 2024

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DOBLE BOLETÍN Basque Enterprise Europe Network

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