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News 2 December, 2020 Invest in Basque Country

German company “FEV Consulting” opens an Operations Centre in Bilbao

With the support of the “Invest in the Basque Country” initiative, FEV Consulting opened an office in Bilbao in 2020.

FEV is a leading international independent service provider in the field of vehicle development, as well as hardware and software for propulsion systems. The company was founded more than 40 years ago as a spin-off from RWTH Aachen University. The subsidiary FEV Consulting is a multinational engineering-consulting company for mobility and transport.


FEV Consulting, based in Aachen, combines the competence of strategic consulting for top management with the technical skills and know-how of the FEV Group. The company was founded in 2011 and also has offices in Cologne, Munich, Beijing, Tokyo, Detroit and Dubai.


It has already successfully demonstrated its expertise in more than 500 projects worldwide in the areas of mobility, transport and energy solutions. The services include, for example, business strategies for business growth, digital transformation, future technologies in the field of carbon neutrality, vehicle electrification, mobility solutions in the so-called smart cities, cost engineering or production planning.


FEV Consulting’s Bilbao office is located in the city centre. It is a consultancy service centre with a focus on the Spanish, French and Italian markets. This involves support from the Basque industry, including the automotive sector, which is undergoing a disruptive transformation as a result of changes in the mobility and energy sectors. Since the start of its activities in April 2020, the company has been working with the Technology and Innovation Centres of the BRTA (Basque Research and Technology Alliance) to shape the mobility of the future.


In a short period of time, FEV Consulting Bilbao has already established itself in the market by generating orders. By the end of 2021, it will have another 20 highly qualified employees in its office. Since its foundation more than 40 years ago, FEV has been continuously promoting young talent and experts in the fields of mechanical engineering, automotive engineering, software, electronics and renewable energies. Currently, 70% of its employees have university degrees, and the company files more than 200 patents annually.



About FEV

FEV is a leading international independent provider of hardware and software services in the field of vehicle and propulsion system development. Its expertise includes the development and testing of innovative solutions all the way to production readiness, as well as related consulting services. Its range of services on the vehicle side includes body and chassis design, including the tuning of general vehicle features such as handling and NVH. FEV also develops innovative lighting systems and solutions for autonomous driving and connectivity. Electrification of propulsion systems requires powerful battery packs, electric motors and inverters. It also develops and integrates into the vehicle highly efficient petrol and diesel engines, transmissions, EDUs (Electric Drive Units) and fuel cell systems, taking into account type approval. Alternative fuels are another focus of attention.


Finally, the range of services also includes tailor-made test benches and measurement technology, as well as software solutions that enable to efficiently transfer the essential working steps of the developments mentioned above from the road to the test bench or to the simulation.


The FEV Group is growing continuously and currently employs 6,700 highly qualified specialists in customer-oriented development centres in more than 40 locations on all continents.


Invest in the Basque Country

Since its creation in 2014, the SPRI Group’s Invest in the Basque Country strategy has managed to secure 136 foreign investments in the Basque Country—half of them new and 15% of them expansion of projects already in place—, which have led to investments worth 614 million euros and 6,033 new or ongoing jobs. The mission of the Foreign Investment Attraction strategy is to attract quality FDI capable of becoming a decisive factor in the implementation of new economic activity and in the maintenance of the existing one, reinforcing and complementing the resources of Basque strategies and policies.


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